Subject: Looking for PhD candidates
From: Noel Crespi <noel.crespi@mines-telecom.fr>
The Data Intelligence and Communication Engineering Lab (https://dice.wp.telecom-sudparis.eu/) of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Telecom SudParis invites applications for PhD positions (PhD from Institut Polytechnique de Paris https://www.ip-paris.fr/en/education/phd-programs) and Postodocoral Fellow positions. Selected candidates will be offered a full-time work contract (incl. health insurance/retirement plan). The institute is a telecommunications and IT research and education centre, located in the South of Paris, France (https://www.ip-paris.fr/en/about).
The openings are related to 2 topics requiring candidates familiar with AI tools. Topic 1: Digital Twin for Edge-Cloud continuum and application of IoT to Smart Cities – for this topic we are looking for candidates with experience/interest in distributed applications, Edge Computing and IoT. Topic 2 : language processing (and modeling) in social media based on recent techniques (e.g. deep transformers, one/few shot learning and GAN, etc) - we are looking for candidates with competence in NLP and deep learning models (knowledge of linguistics is a plus).
Selected candidates will join a stimulating, international and collaborative environment. The laboratory will give candidates the opportunity to experience working with a varied set of institutions, both in academia and industry through European projects and industry collaborations.
- For PhD position, recent master in EE, Computer Science, Data Science
- Research background in relevant technologies
- Experience in research is mandatory, track record of publications in the known venues.
- Coding experience (python or other modern programming languages)
- Talented individuals with strong motivation, team spirit, autonomy.
- For the Postdoc Fellow position recent PhD with Publications in high impact journals and well known conference proceedings.
- Excellent English skills are a prerequisite. French is not mandatory as English is the working language.
Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their CV, cover letter, transcripts, most significant publications, and references by replying to this email (please do not change the title of the email). Potential successful candidates will be contacted by email for an interview.
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