Photoactive and electroactive cryptates; energy and electron transfer processes. Molecular Recognition, Molecular Receptors and Coreceptors: Design, synthesis and properties of macropolycyclic complexing agents binding selectively one or several molecular substrates: metalloreceptors; photoacti ...
个人收藏的一些超分子科学家的主页(不全是),秀一下! CiteULike: Group: Supramolecular - library de Mendoza's Dr. Paul E. Kruger's Eric V. Anslyn Faculty GLOBAL SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY NETWORK (GSCN) IECB Internationa ...
Chem. Soc. Rev. 09年第5期来了个Metal Organic Frameworks专题,足见MOF的热度,个人对此很感兴趣,最喜欢YAGHI等人艺术家一样的思路和方法。特此贴出来图文摘要,算是备份,顺便认识下对此有兴趣的老师和朋友。 Jeffrey R. Long and Omar M. Yaghi,&nbs ...