
置顶 · 含氯挥发性有机物CVOCs催化燃烧工业化催化剂热稳定性数据公开
2024-3-8 09:52
对于实用的工业化VOCs催化剂,除了活性之外,热稳定性是该催化剂能否具有可应用性的重要指标。 EaCAT的工业化CVOCs催化剂耐高温性能数据如下(二氯甲烷为CVOCs的模拟物,高稳定性、工业应用范围广),供大家参考和交流。
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置顶 · EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的开发与应用
2024-2-16 09:48
www.EaCat.com.cn EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的 开发 与 应用 主要涉足: 广谱VOCs催化燃烧催化剂(VOCs) CVOCs催化燃烧催化剂(CVOCs) 甲烷催化燃烧催化剂(MCC) 零级空气催化剂(0Air) 非甲烷总烃催化剂(0Methane) 加氢脱氧催化剂(HDO) 碳烃脱氧催化剂(CHDO) 臭氧分解催化剂(OZ) N2O分解催化 ...
个人分类: 催化中国原创|1700 次阅读|1 个评论
戴启广 2019-10-18 08:21
感谢您将摘要提交至第十九届全国催化学术会议,会务组已将摘要全部汇总到论文集,您可以点击以下链接下载会议论文集。 论文集链接: https://share.weiyun.com/5sGJxKV
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戴启广 2019-6-24 15:41
总体来看,大部分环境SCI期刊IF都有了可喜的上涨。环境领域王牌期刊EST增至7.149,其姊妹刊 EST Letters 更是猛涨为6.934,大有超越EST之趋势;水处理领域顶级期刊WR也涨至7.913,目测明年有望破8。下面让我们看一下各期刊的具体情况吧: 环境工程类(Engineering Environmental) ...
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戴启广 2018-11-27 07:01
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Nanocatalysis in Ionic Liquids
戴启广 2016-11-14 08:36
Nanocatalysis in Ionic Liquids Wiley VCH | Chemical Engineering | December 27, 2016 | ISBN-10: 3527339108 | 328 pages | pdf | 11.88 mb by Jairton Du ...
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戴启广 2016-11-7 14:42
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XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces
戴启广 2016-10-24 11:24
Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Kiyotaka Asakura, XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials, and Surfaces 2016 | ISBN-10: 3319438646 | 556 pages | PDF | 22 MB This book is a comprehensive, theoretical, practical, and thorough guide to XAFS spectroscopy. The book addresses XAFS fundamentals such as exp ...
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Deactivation of Heavy Oil Hydroprocessing Catalysts
戴启广 2016-9-25 13:00
Deactivation of Heavy Oil Hydroprocessing Catalysts: Fundamentals and Modeling Wiley | Petrochemical | Aug 15 2016 | ISBN-10: 1118769848 | 336 pages | pdf | 10.49 mb by Jorge Ancheyta (Author) Written by a scientist with more than 25 years of experience in the field, this serves as a complete gu ...
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Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry: Reactivity and Catalysis
戴启广 2016-9-14 08:23
Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry: Reactivity and Catalysis Wiley | Inorganic Chemistry | October 17 2016 | ISBN-10: 1118839838 | 448 pages | pdf | 10.15 mb by Stephen L. Buchwald (Foreword), David Milstein (Foreword), Mark Stradiotto (Editor), Rylan J. Lundgren (Editor) The design of ancillary l ...
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戴启广 2016-8-2 10:55
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