读博有益分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/davidzsguo gone with the wind


2008-4-24 09:12
前天无意中看到探索发现频道的纪录片《难童》,很受感动。原来在抗战时期,也有很多为民请愿的人,为保存国脉而奋斗的人,而这些人大多是国民党高级将领的夫人。 看后很受教育。 《探索发现:难童》分集剧情简介 第1集   第一集 危机   1958年的岁末,一位来自荷兰的电影人来到中国江浙,准备拍摄一 ...
个人分类: 一家之言|4679 次阅读|没有评论
ResearcherID, a unique identifier of a researcher
2008-4-23 15:54
Toobtain a ResearcherID, your institution mustsubscribe to the Web of Science. Once youare on the Web of Science, you first register with the Web of Science, and then sign in to the Web of Science. Subsequently, you registerwith ResearcherID. Once you sign ...
个人分类: 学术教育|3919 次阅读|没有评论
Postdoctoral Position in Multiscale Mechanical Modeling at Cornell
2008-4-22 08:39
A postdoctoral position is available starting June 1st within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. The project entails an investigation of the key features associated with ductile fracture in aluminum alloys. The investigation will utilize a concurrent discrete-di ...
个人分类: 工作信息|4179 次阅读|没有评论

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