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邵刚锋 2009-4-19 16:06
今天,南京从早上开始一直下雨,开始淅淅沥沥,后来就大了好多。 独自坐在窗口,听着雨声,嗅着缕缕新鲜空气,很舒服,很安静。 涤荡近日心里的哀愁,看看山,读读书,写写无聊的文字,听着自己喜欢的歌,泡杯雨花茶,品着、思考着。 今天接到妈妈打来的电话,我第一次挂了,心里很乱。考博近乎失利,工作还没着落。心里 ...
个人分类: |3240 次阅读|2 个评论
The day I have learnt to be patient!
邵刚锋 2008-9-24 18:28
Today, I'm very excited for the coming of the group seminar. I have done very good preparation for it. This is the first time for us members of the lab to meet eachother and also the time to show the subjects we higher grade students did in the past nearly one or two more years. It begi ...
个人分类: |3648 次阅读|2 个评论
邵刚锋 2008-6-27 23:41
(1)学习不中断,哪怕挤出10分钟也好,早晨是大好时机。 (2)学厌了可变换一下学习方式或形式。 (3)不要脱离上下文孤立地死记硬背。 (4)随时记下并背熟那些常用的句型。 (5)尽可能心译接触到的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶尔听到的话语等。 (6)只有经过教师修改的东西才值得牢记,也就是说,要 ...
个人分类: |3131 次阅读|没有评论
It rains again in Nanking!
邵刚锋 2008-5-24 19:43
I have experienced a lot of rains in Nanjing this year. Again, it rains heavily, just like the depressed feeling before. The earthquake has happend in May ,12th. It's a disaster for the whole nation, and the coutry is filled with thick depressing atmosphereand the national flag has down ...
个人分类: |3673 次阅读|没有评论

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