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Predicting Catastrophes in nonlinear Dynamical Systems
热度 1 2011-5-22 22:15
师弟王延博士来组讨论,谈及Wen-Xu Wang等新近之作。 PRL 106, 154101 (2011) Predicting Catastrophes in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Compressive Sensing Abstract:An extremely challenging problem of significant interest is to predict catastrophes in advance of their occurrences. We presen ...
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Front reversals, wave traps and twisted spirals
2011-2-28 19:28
Front reversals, wave traps and twisted spirals
Front Reversals,Wave Traps, and Twisted Spirals in Periodically Forced Oscillatory Media Oliver Rudzick* and Alexander S. Mikhailov Abstract : A new kind of nonlinear nonequilibrium patterns—twisted spiral waves—is predicted for periodically forced oscillatory reaction-diffusion media. We sh ...
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Breathing spiral waves in the CDIMA rection-diffusion system
热度 2 2011-2-26 09:26
Breathing spiral waves in the chlorine dioxide–iodine–malonic acid reaction-diffusion system Igal Berenstein, Alberto P. Muuzuri, Lingfa Yang, Milos Dolnik, Anatol M. Zhabotinsky, and Irving R. Epstein Phys. Rev. E 78 , 025101 (2008) – Published August 11, 2008 Breat ...
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Doppler instability of antispiral waves
2010-10-26 17:27
Doppler instability of antispiral waves in discrete oscillatory reaction-diffusion media 2010 Chinese Phys. B 19 050513 Qian Yu(钱郁), Huang Xiao-Dong(黄晓东), Liao Xu-Hong(廖旭红), and Hu Gang(胡岗) This paper investigates antispiral wave breakup phenomena in coupled two-dimensional FitzH ...
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Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves
2010-10-24 12:40
http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v81/i6/e066202 Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves using response functions Abstract: Rotating spiral waves are a form of self-organization observed in spatially extended systems of chysical,chemical, and biological nature. In the presence of a ...
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Bifurcation phenomena in non-smooth dynamical systems
2010-10-5 08:03
非平常的动力系统分岔分析是我最近在查询Floquet理论的应用时找到的,浏览了这篇的introduction部分后,知道这个方面的工作虽然The dynamics of non-smooth systems is a relatively young research field,但也有不短的研究历史和不少的研究文献了。 我关心的是这些不同于平滑系统的分岔特点,对于斑图 ...
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Period doubling in a periodically forced Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
2010-9-20 15:21
Abstract: Using an open-flow reactor periodically perturbed with light, we observe sub-harmonic frequency locking of the oscillatory Belousov-Zhabotinsky chemical reaction at one sixth the forcing frequency (6:1) over a region of the parameter space of forcing intensity and forcing frequency where ...
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Paths to synchronization on complex networks
2010-1-2 22:27
PRL 98, 034101 (2007) Abstract:The understanding of emergent collective phenomena in natural and social systems has driven the interest of scientists from different disciplines during decades. Among these phenomena, the synchronization of a set of interacting individuals or units has been intensivel ...
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Hierarchical synchronization in complex networks with heterogeneous degrees
2009-12-31 12:53
Chaos 16, 015104 (2006) Changsong Zhou and Jurgen Kurths 这是一篇我看到的极出色的文章,所研究的复杂网络上的分层同步(我就直译了)问题对识别网络的拓扑结构具有启发性。PRE80,016116(2009)也正是基于此,明确提出了用来网络探测。在没有看到更早的文献之前,我先当它是利用动力学来探测网络度分布的第一文了。如 ...
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Generic behavior of master-stability functions in coupled nonlinear dynamical sy
2009-12-29 18:40
这是一篇PRE 80, 030624(2009)的文章,作者为Liang Huang等。 摘要:Master-stability functions (MSFs) are fundamental to the study of synchronization in complex dynamical systems. For example, for a coupled oscillator network, a necessary condition for synchronization to occur is that the MSF at th ...
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