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根瘤菌类群的一个新属:Neorhizobium gen. nov.

已有 12116 次阅读 2014-4-16 16:17 |个人分类:根瘤菌分类|系统分类:科研笔记| Neorhizobium

芬兰的Mousavi等人新近提出了一新的属,Neorhizobium gen. nov.,它是将之前发表的几个新种合并到一起,并提出新的属,属名命名为新根瘤菌属(Neorhizobium)。详见这里:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0723202014000204


The genera Agrobacterium, Allorhizobium, and Rhizobium belong to the family Rhizobiaceae. However, the placement of a phytopathogenic group of bacteria, the genus Agrobacterium, among the nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the unclear position of Rhizobium galegae have caused controversy in previous taxonomic studies. To resolve uncertainties in the taxonomy and nomenclature within this family, the phylogenetic relationships of generic members of Rhizobiaceae were studied, but with particular emphasis on the taxa included in Agrobacterium and the “R. galegae complex” (R. galegae and related taxa), using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of six protein-coding housekeeping genes among 114 rhizobial and agrobacterial taxa. The results showed that R. galegae, R. vignae, R. huautlense, and R. alkalisoli formed a separate clade that clearly represented a new genus, for which the name Neorhizobium is proposed. Agrobacterium was shown to represent a separate cluster of mainly pathogenic taxa of the family Rhizobiaceae. A. vitis grouped with Allorhizobium, distinct from Agrobacterium, and should be reclassified as Allorhizobium vitis, whereas Rhizobium rhizogenes was considered to be the proper name for former Agrobacterium rhizogenes. This phylogenetic study further indicated that the taxonomic status of several taxa could be resolved by the creation of more novel genera.



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