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[Knowledge Sharing 12] 知識分享
2023-8-12 22:25
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 12: CB-SEM model comparison Nested comparison (Kai square: X² ) Non-nested comparison(F statistics) R square Reference Wen-Lung Shiau, and Patrick Y.K. Chau, (2012),Understanding blog continuance: ...
个人分类: 经验分享|951 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 11] 知識分享
2023-8-11 23:32
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 11: Measurement Invariance and/or Group comparison Difference: MICOM procedure (non-significant) PLS-MGA( significant) Reference Li-Chun Huang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, (2017). “Factors ...
个人分类: 经验分享|889 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 10] 知識分享
2023-8-11 23:30
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 10: Moderated mediation Mediated moderation Moderated mediation: To examine whether an indirect effect is moderated or whether the mediated effect depends on levels of another variable Medi ...
个人分类: 经验分享|803 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 9] 知識分享 Top 22 common errors 6
2023-8-9 20:56
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 9: Moderation effects (ratio type) of SEM 1. Slope 2. Present with/without moderation 3. f square Reference Chih-Chin Liang, and Wen-Lung Shiau, 2018. “Moderating effect of privacy concerns and ...
个人分类: 经验分享|992 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 8] 知識分享 Top 22 common errors 5
2023-8-9 15:47
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 8: Moderation (Nominal type) MGA: Group comparison (Kai square t or t test ???) Reference Shiau, W.-L., Chen, H., Chen, K., Liu, Y.-H., and Tan, F. T. C.(2021). A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Blended ...
个人分类: 经验分享|948 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 7] 知識分享 Top 22 common errors 4
2023-8-9 15:45
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 7: mediation Mediation: A paradigm shift Barron Kenny (1986) == Zhao et al. (2010) Mediation effects 1:Baron and Kenny's Causal-Steps Test (Baron and Kenny的因果关系步骤检验法) ...
个人分类: 经验分享|900 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 6] 知識分享 Top 22 common errors 3
2023-8-6 22:01
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 6: Scale development is using SEM for new constructs and measurement items Rigorous development At least 3 data sets Develop norm Reference MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., Podsakoff ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1183 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 5] 知識分享 Top 22 common errors 2
2023-8-5 18:06
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 5 : Latent variables in SEM 1. Constructs need an operational definition 2. Measurement items are adapted from? or need scale development? Reference MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., Podsakoff ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1130 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 4] Top 22 common errors
2023-8-4 18:07
知識分享 Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error (issue) 4 Context-Specific Theorizing in SEM Reference Hong, W., Chan, F. K. Y., Thong, J. Y. L., Chasalow, L. C., Dhillon, G. (2014). A Framework and Guidelines for Context-Specific Theorizing in In ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1246 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing 3] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper
2023-8-4 18:05
知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper Common error (issue) 3 Why use PLS-SEM (Shiau et al. 2016; Sarstedt et al. 2023; Shiau 2023)??? Smaller sample sizes Research objective is exploratory research for theory development; When the analysis is for a prediction perspe ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1277 次阅读|没有评论

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