
置顶 · 从一本生物竞赛书说起
2020-3-14 15:59
从一本生物竞赛书说起 在家里翻到以前高中生物竞赛的书,《奥赛经典-生物奥林匹克教程》。这是当时指定的最重要的一本生物竞赛备考书。这本书浓缩了大学各学科知识,特点是叙述简洁,然而内容仍然不够深入无法取代大学课本。我认为整本书的内容相当于《陈阅增普通生物学》,但是应付竞赛还 ...
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实验1 牛乳掺伪的检验
文乐雷 2022-5-9 15:01
实验 1 牛乳掺伪的检验 一、实验目的 1、了解牛乳的常见掺伪种类。 2、通过牛乳掺伪检验,了解和掌握乳品掺伪的检验方法。 二、实验原理 1 、淀粉遇碘显蓝色。 2、豆粉中含有皂素,皂素可溶于热水或热酒精,并可与氢氧化钾反应生成黄 ...
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文乐雷 2021-4-3 19:10
外来的红火蚁可以将本地蚂蚁排除在共生者提供的关键资源之外 Wilder, S. M., Barnum, T. R., Holway, D. A., Suarez, A. V., Eubanks, M. D. (2013). Introduced fire ants can exclude native ants from critical mutualist-provided resources. Oecologia, 172(1), 197-205. doi: 10.1007/s00442-012-2477-7 动物 ...
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文乐雷 2021-3-29 20:47
The Nature of Nutrition: A Unifying Framework from Animal Adaptation to Human Obesity 营养的本质:一个从动物适应性到人类肥胖的统一框架 Stephen J. Simpson and David Raubenheimer 长期以来,营养学更多地被认为是医学和农业的领域,而不是生物科学的领域,然而它触及并塑造了自然界的方方面面。对营养的需求 ...
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文乐雷 2020-11-27 21:53
捕食的温度依赖性:随着气候变暖,捕食者的杀伤率和猎物消耗量增加 Temperature dependency of predation: Increased killing rates and prey mass consumption by predators with warming Temperature dependency of consumer–resource interactions is fundamentally important for understanding and predicting ...
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文乐雷 2020-11-24 19:07
A Sketch of Spider Systematics At present taxonomists recognize about 40,000 spider species, which they group into 110 families (Platnick, 2009). How this diversity should be arranged into a “natural” system of classification is still very much a matter of controversy. This is ...
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文乐雷 2020-9-18 21:57
The predatory bug, Orius majusculus( Reuter), is an important predator of thrips commercially produced for augmentative releases using the eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella ( Zeller). In this study, we assessed the potential for using frozen adults of fruit flie ...
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Biology of spiders : metabolism 02 毒腺和毒性
文乐雷 2020-8-4 15:03
Venom Glands andToxicity Spiders belong to the actively poisonous animals (i.e., they use their venom offen- sively to paralyze or to kill their prey). The quick immobilization is certainly the primary function of the venom—the lethal effect is only secondary (Friedel, 1987; Fri ...
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Biology of spiders :Metabolism 01
文乐雷 2020-7-28 15:13
Metabolism 本文翻译自Foelix, R. (2011). The Biology of Spiders. New York: Oxford University Press.第三章 3 Spiders have developed an unusual mode of food intake: digestion is initiated out- side the body. After the prey has been subdued by a venomous bite o ...
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