
杜建 2016-2-26 09:53
Expectations for medical research vary sharply, depending on the observer’s perspective. For a patient affected by disease, it is a source of hope. For a parent of a child with a serious condition, it evokes both expectation and frustration over the pace of progress. Where ...
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转化医学时代 临床前研究人员 科研效率评价体系
杜建 2015-9-6 09:04
A Metric-Based System for Evaluating the Productivity of Preclinical Faculty at an Academic Medical Center in the Era of Clinical and Translational Science Abstract Academic medical centers are faced with increasing budgetary constraints due to a flat National Institutes of Health b ...
个人分类: 科学计量学|3117 次阅读|没有评论
杜建 2015-9-3 21:21
Size and Composition of the Physician-Scientist Workforce in 2012 Using a definition of research as the self-reported primary activity, data from AMA annual surveys show that the overall size of the segment of the physician-scientist workforce with a medical degree has experienced a small but statis ...
个人分类: 政策信息|3079 次阅读|没有评论
杜建 2015-8-18 15:38
国家卫生计生委办公厅关于印发健康科普信息生成与传播指南(试行)的通知 中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会 2015-08-11 国卫办宣传函〔2015〕665号 各省、自治区、直辖市卫生计生委,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局:   为进一步落实《全民健康素养促进行动规划(2014-2020年)》,推动健康 ...
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