
白图格吉扎布 2017-11-10 13:43
Combining the three trends : up, even, or down, with three turns ( TT ): concave, straight, or convex, these nine states describes each of the 17 funds and market more clearly than using scalars before. Then the 17 funds can be put in order by their Trend Values and/or Second De ...
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白图格吉扎布 2017-11-10 13:24
Back to continue our discussion on systems monitoring. For systems monitorin,g we bring in time indices: k , k -1, k -2 Instead of using IV, now we use cosine to express the state of vectors: Then the systems successional trends are defined as present cosine over the pr ...
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白图格吉扎布 2017-11-10 13:13
Extend our discussion from 17*17 Matrices to 17-vectors: STANDARDIZATION:Each and every component divided by SSS, vector length. This projects a 17-vectors in 17-space on to the unit hypersphere, and expresses the directions of 17-market vectors with their cosine values. The standar ...
个人分类: CLUB|1314 次阅读|没有评论
白图格吉扎布 2017-11-9 13:08
It was also registered with copyright office. Stock Market Monitor 52, copyrighted on May 24, 1995 The computer program used m-vectors division (trends), multiplication (Prediction). Trend Analysis, Bai, T. Jay, The Ethnic Publishing House, 2006, Beijing, pp. 297,298
个人分类: CLUB|1364 次阅读|没有评论
白图格吉扎布 2017-11-9 13:03
Here is the citation. The definition of vectors multiplication was submitted on 1995, but published on 1997. Before,there were no vector multiplication, nor division. If you multiply two vectors, the computer will be responded a scalar (dot product), or a matrix (crossproduct). Till ...
个人分类: CLUB|1290 次阅读|没有评论
白图格吉扎布 2017-11-9 12:56
AX=B → X=B/A, C=BX,… Other than save space, with both quality and quantity, vectors are qualified as the systems monitoring tools, as they form a Group of multiplication, provided a component wise multiplication. All of us uses worksheet and do the vector multiplication all the ...
个人分类: CLUB|1515 次阅读|没有评论
白图格吉扎布 2017-11-8 23:59
The expectation of the trends are one, which means, we suppose the COMPOSITION of asystem has inertia. Composition of a system tend to remain the same, even when the Sum changes. Thus, Composition is essential for the systems. If we use three dimension of tree, shrubs, grasses to describe ...
个人分类: CLUB|1297 次阅读|没有评论

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