
戴光荣 2011-5-4 09:31
这里引用的几首歌来自:Vanity Fair(名利场)1.She Walks in Beauty By Lord Byron (George Gordon) 1788–1824 Lord Byron (George Gordon) She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes ...
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some uesful websites for language skills
戴光荣 2010-4-19 14:27
汉英双语: http://www.bilinguist.com/ 译天下: http://www.translator.com.cn/index.asp 免费在线翻译: http://www.onlinetranslation.cn/ 华译网翻译公司——中国专家翻译网: http://www.chinatranslation.net/ 北京千言万语翻译公司: http://www.academytrans.com/ ...
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wonderful websites for SMS(short message service)
戴光荣 2010-4-17 09:18
the following websites for short message service are recommended by my friends in America. I collected a lot of data from them. http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/textmessageabbreviations.asp http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rpnlpir/ http://www.txtmania.com/messages/text.php ...
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热度 1 戴光荣 2010-4-14 21:07
今天推荐的是北京大学汉语语言学研究中心推出的现代汉语+古代汉语语料库在线检索系统,语料库容量大。 http://ccl.pku.edu.cn:8080/ccl_corpus/index.jsp?dir=xiandai
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