Here enclosed the instruction for Collins Wordbanks Online. It'll remind me of the usefulness of t-score and MI score in corpus linguistics. A Guide to Statistics: t-score and mutual information There are two ways of mea ...
张九龄 Zhang Jiuling 五言古诗 Five-character-ancient-verse 感遇其一 THOUGHTS I 孤鸿海上来,A lonely swan from the sea flies, 池潢不敢顾;To alight on puddles it does not deign. 侧见双翠鸟,Nesting in the poplar of pearls 巢在三珠树。It spies and questions green birds twain: 矫矫珍木巅, "Don ...
Here enclosed a reading group's material about multiword expressions, idioms and fixed/semi-fixed expressions which may shed some new light for our research. Working Definitions, Postulations, Points of Contention Multiword expression (MWE): any phrase that is not entirely predi ...