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Science Advances:生长素通过增强BZR1的核积累,促进下胚轴伸长
2023-1-5 23:58
Auxin promotes hypocotyl elongation by enhancing BZR1 nuclear accumulation in Arabidopsis ...
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Plant Biotechnology Journal:PRpnp增强来檬生长活力以及对多种胁迫的抗性
2023-1-4 23:01
PRpnp, a novel dual activity PNP family protein improves plant vigor and confers multiple stress tolerance in Citrus aurantifolia ...
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Nature Communications:GLK转录因子种间顺反组动态比较揭示结合位点的广泛变异
2023-1-3 22:19
Limited conservation in cross-species comparison of GLK transcription factor binding suggested wide-spread cistrome divergence ...
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New Phytologist:低温胁迫通过阻断干细胞反馈调控回路导致番茄果实畸形
2023-1-2 22:22
Cold stress induces malformed tomato fruits by breaking the feedback loops of stem cell regulation in floral meristem ...
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The Plant Cell:翠雀族植物花器官特征的起源与演化历史
2022-12-31 22:44
Delphinieae flowers originated from the rewiring of interactions between duplicated and diversified floral organ identity and symmetry genes ...
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The Plant Journal:独脚金内酯介导的苹果不定根形成抑制的分子机理
2022-12-30 23:18
Strigolactone regulates adventitious root formation via MdSMXL7-MdWRKY6- MdBRC1 signaling cascade in apple 第一作者:Xingqiang Fan 第一单位: 中国农业大学 通讯作者: Wei Li ABSTRACT 背景回顾 :Propagation through stem cuttings is a popular method world-wide ...
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The Plant Journal:PSK通过氧化还原内稳态调控促进杉木体胚发生
2022-12-30 22:39
A plant peptide hormone phytosulfokine promotes somatic embryogenesis by maintaining redox homeostasis in Cunninghamia lanceolata ...
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Plant Physiology:龙舌兰REV1基因异源表达减少杨树的季节性芽休眠
2022-12-27 22:36
Agave REVEILLE1 regulates the onset and release of seasonal dormancy in Populus ...
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2022-12-26 22:54
Polar auxin transport modulates early leaf flattening ...
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The Plant Cell:JA通过激活CsMPK6-CsMYC2模块调控甜橙的果皮着色
2022-12-25 17:10
Jasmonate activates a CsMPK6-CsMYC2 module that regulates the expression of β-citraurin biosynthetic genes and fruit coloration in orange ( Citrus sinensis ) ...
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