每个符号都是角儿... * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第八段(下). Moreover if ρ ⁻ | Gp is flat and if detρ ⁻ | I p = ε then p ⊥ N Q so ρ Qm | Gp is flat (i.e. the reduction modulo every ideal of finite index is flat). -- ...
运用“熵杠杆”... * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第八段(中). From we can deduce the following. ---- 由 可推导出如下结果. . * If q ∈Q then ρ Qm | Gq = φ ₁ ⊕ φ ₂ where φ ₁ is unramified and & ...
“不间断”里有某种东西。 * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第八段(上). It follows from the discussion after theorem 2.1 of or from the work of Carayol that there is a continuous representation ρ Qm : G Q -- GL ₂ ( T Q )... 注: 红色部 ...
学习、思考、标记问号。 * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第七段(上). Let T (Γ Q ) denote the Z-subalgebra of the complex endomorphisms of the space of weight 2 cusp forms onΓ Q which is generated by the Hecke operators T l and〈 l 〉for  ...
自主识记,其乐无穷. * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第六段. We will denote by N Q the product of the following quantities: ---- 将用 N Q 指代如下量的乘积: (迄今已出现若干乘积). * the conductor of ρ ⁻ ; * the primes in Q; * &n ...
符号拟人化可增加亲和感. * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第五段. We will let Q denote a finite set of primes q with the properties: * ρ ⁻ is unramified at q, * q = 1 mod p, * ρ ⁻ (Frob q ) has distinct eigenvalues, which we shall ...
天才照亮人心,庸才遮挡阳光。 * * * ( 接前 ) 第一部分 第三段. If G is a group and M a G-module we will let M ᴳ and M G denote respectively the invariants and coinvariants of G on M. ---- 若 G 是群, M 是 G-模块, 则令M ᴳ ...