waterlilyqd的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/waterlilyqd 翻译--编辑--信息分析从平凡中见神奇! Journal of Mountain Science科学网博客


Google得了啥子病? What's wrong with the Google?
热度 4 2012-6-29 12:56
Google得了啥子病? What's wrong with the Google?
习惯了使用Google进行各类信息的搜索,这几天,Google搜索出现了一些怪事,输入某些词或者字进行搜索,Google像死了一样,一动不动,下面出现一项黄色的提醒.今日搜索一篇文章又出现同样的问题(见下面的截图). 然后随机的输入几个成语进行检索,得到如下的结果: ...
个人分类: IT知识|4121 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 4
QQ registration and usage PPT prepared in English
2012-2-5 12:09
QQ Registration and Usage.ppt QQ Registration and Usage.pdf When you want to have a direct communication with your friends or colleagues abroad. Instant chat tools such as MSN or QQ are very convenientways for you to send messages,do inst ...
个人分类: IT知识|3941 次阅读|没有评论
A very useful pdf editor 非常有用的PDF编辑器
2010-2-26 11:51
Today, I read an article about how to read literature, of which the author told hisexperience that he marked the read papers on the pdf file, then he could know next time that papers had been read. Then I download one pdf editor ( FoxitPdfReader )from th ...
个人分类: IT知识|4090 次阅读|2 个评论

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