大场论分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/GrandFT 课程提纲(只包含戴伍圣和谢汨的部分课程)、讨论班和问题讨论


谁来讲十分钟:Ultracold fermions in a graphene-type optical lattice
2009-11-7 17:15
Ultracold fermions in a graphene-type optical lattice Kean Loon Lee (李健伦), Benot Grmaud, Rui Han (韩睿), Berthold-Georg Englert, and Christian Miniatura Phys. Rev. A 80, 043411 (Published October 19, 2009) Two highly active fields of physics have merged in recent years, ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|3291 次阅读|没有评论
2009-11-6 09:07
讨论班:密码故事(二):经典密码与量子密码(宋词)09.11.512 时间:2009.11.5 下午 4:306:10 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:宋词 题目:密码故事 内容简介: 密码系统由两部分组成: 1. 加密算法 2. ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|3142 次阅读|没有评论
小道消息:Universe's quantum 'speed bumps' no obstacle for light (董成伟)09.11.12
2009-11-5 07:59
Universe's quantum 'speed bumps' no obstacle for light A hint that quantum fluctuations in the fabric of the universe slow the speed of light has not been borne out in observations by NASA's Fermi telescope. The measurements contradict a 2005 result that supported the idea that spac ...
个人分类: 小道消息区|3603 次阅读|没有评论
小道消息:Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛)
2009-11-2 10:19
小道消息: Accelerating neutral atoms (邱荣涛) The intensity gradients of inhomogeneous laser-light fields impose ponderomotive forces on charged particles. Such forces have been used to trap and manipulate ions, diffract electrons, and generate charge waves in plasmas. But they were tho ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|2955 次阅读|1 个评论
2009-10-29 21:13
周四讨论班:近场光学 时间:2009.12.17. 下午 4:306:10 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:刘丽彦 刘丽彦的讲稿 推荐文献(你也可以自己找其他相关文献): 1) C. Girardy and A. Dereux, Near-field optics theories, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 (1996) 657699. (这是一篇综述) 2) ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|2812 次阅读|没有评论
谁来讲十分钟:Nearly perfect fluidity
2009-10-28 08:29
谁来讲十分钟: Nearly perfect fluidity Thomas Schfer Is there a fundamental lower bound on viscosity? To answer this question, we can look at the coldest and hottest fluids that laboratories are able to produce. From everyday experience, we have an intuitive feel for how a &ld ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|2619 次阅读|没有评论
谁来讲十分钟:Reaching a new resolution standard with electron microscopy
2009-10-24 19:57
Reaching a new resolution standard with electron microscopy Robert F. Klie Nanoscale Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA A new approach to reduce spherical and chromatic aberration in electron microscopy allows for lo ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|2559 次阅读|没有评论
谁来讲十分钟:Spin Drag in Noncondensed Bose Gases
2009-10-23 18:48
Spin Drag in Noncondensed Bose Gases Marco and Giovanni Vignale , Spin Drag in Noncondensed Bose Gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 , 170401 (2009) 摘要: It is shown that show how time-dependent magnetic fields lead to spin motive forces and spin drag in a spinor Bose gas. The aut ...
个人分类: 讨论班课题推荐|3011 次阅读|1 个评论
讨论班(有讲稿):谱方法(Spectral Method)解方程(王璐)09.12.3
2009-10-22 12:17
周四讨论班:谱方法(Spectral Method)解方程 时间:2009.12.3 下午 4:306:10 地点:18教学楼405室 主讲:王璐 文献: Philippe Grandclment and Jrme Novak , Spectral Methods for Numerical Relativity 的第一、二章。这部分不涉及广义相对论的内容,只需 ...
个人分类: 周四讨论班|5516 次阅读|1 个评论
2009-10-21 19:24
提问人:邱荣涛 这是一个数学问题,也许讨论它没有什么实际意义,我只是想弄清楚它,要知道,它折磨了我一个下午。问题如下: 对集合S, 设R是关于S中的元素的条件,如果S中的两个元素a,b满足条件R, 则称a与b有关系R, 记为aRb,否则称a与b无关系R. 如果对S中任意的元素a,都有aRa,则R有反身性; 如果aR ...
个人分类: 提问讨论区|5556 次阅读|3 个评论

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