Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


Are you ready for the New Year?
热度 3 2011-12-31 18:27
About 24 hours before the New Year arrives in Hawaii, I received a call from a good friend. I was surprised, because hardly anyone calls this late unless it's from China, from someone who cannot figure out the time difference correctly. Oh, she is stuck at the NRT due to flight cancellation. Luckil ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2603 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3
Christmas Eve
热度 1 2011-12-25 10:22
Some people are doing the last-minute shopping. I had to go get some fresh veggies for a dish for tomorrow's dinner, and was shocked by the crowds at the Whole Foods. Who says the US economy is bad? It's clearly not so, at least not in Hawaii!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2088 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Shirokiya—White(wood) House
热度 1 2011-12-24 09:24
If you live in Honolulu, you must have visited Shirokiya many times already. To me, it’s the best place to get things that are made in Japan, from Tianjin roasted chestnuts (yeah, they call all c ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2867 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
First winter vacation for college freshmen
热度 1 2011-12-18 16:55
For those who have returned to Hawaii, nothing beats the warm weather (at 77F/26C). There will be many parties in the coming days, to get together with high school friends. Enjoy your vacation!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3167 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
A different Thanksgiving
热度 4 2011-11-25 07:00
A different Thanksgiving
This is my 12th Thanksgiving in Hawaii, and it is different in more than one way. First of all, my son, a college freshman, is having a great time at his friend's somewhere in Seattle. I am sure of that. I, for the first time, have to co-host a pot-luck dinner for twelve and half people (the half ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2628 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 4
Uniquely HawaiiL: poke
2011-11-22 10:43
If you ever visit Hawaii, and if you like sashimi, you should try ahi poke. I would strongly recommend the spicy ahi poke at the Safeway in Manoa. It took me 11 years to learn to like ahi poke, thanks to Jeanie and Yanli. That was because I was given shoyu ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2418 次阅读|没有评论
I can feel APEC's impact ...
2011-11-8 03:45
... in a negative way for the locals. The traffic to work (at U. Hawaii) was much worse than usual. I wish I could stay home for the rest of the week.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2308 次阅读|没有评论
Attention Chinese, former Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle wants you
2011-10-19 04:19
She vows to make your visit to Hawaii easier… She added that the Chinese are the biggest spenders, putting down at least $325 a day. I wan ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2499 次阅读|没有评论
APEC Climate Symposium 2011 started, with protestors (update
热度 1 2011-10-18 15:29
I decided to sit in the morning talks, but I couldn't last that long. I heard that there were protestors during the lunch break. Too bad I was not there to witness... I hope you can watch the news clip. Clearly, these protestors ha ...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2879 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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