
虞左俊 2018-12-11 16:50
我知道,这个 pi字不雅。但是,文人也曾用它做词。 高中时,我比较“清高”。为此,被一位老师“整过”。[现在和这位老师一起玩微信。]进入社会后,慢慢地明白了一个道理:谁不愿意听好话?(To butter her up.) 不知道为什么,我周围德国人特别多。在夏威夷大学一个研究所工作时,除了中国人,就是德国 ...
个人分类: Yoga|3661 次阅读|1 个评论
New Year Resolution: Continue Yoga
热度 2 虞左俊 2016-1-1 17:53
Actually, I have more than one new year resolution, but let me start with this one now, while the rest of the Honolulu City seems on fire (crackers), a tradition here. A friend of mine told me that she would like to start yoga in 2016, to strength her immune system. I am not an expert on t ...
个人分类: Yoga|3291 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 2
My first week of taking Yoga classes
热度 3 虞左俊 2013-11-4 11:07
I started my first Yoga class last Monday. I had always wanted to try Yoga, for a few reasons (to be flexible, to look graceful, etc.), but I didn't have the time (or the time to look into it). I feel my lower back is stiff these days, and want to strengthen my core. Since a new Yoga studio ha ...
个人分类: Yoga|3262 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 3

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