Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


2023-2-22 07:30
The most theme-park-likearea of Ghibli Park — the place that you will see all over Instagram — is called Ghibli’s Grand Warehouse. From the outside, it absolutely lives up to that name. It is a big giant warehouse: hulking, boxy, utilitarian. It looks as if it might contain a m ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1597 次阅读|没有评论
2023-2-21 14:39
In Tokyo, Iwent to see Toshio Suzuki, the yin to Miyazaki’s yang, the most important person in the company’s history aside from Miyazaki and Takahata. Although he has held many titles (producer, president), most crucially Suzuki has functioned as a kind of Miyazaki whisperer: a combination ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1491 次阅读|没有评论
2023-2-20 07:27
We were staring at a big old-fashioned Japanese gate: red, with dark brown wood and a green tile roof. It was a structure straight out of “Spirited Away.” Waiting on the other side, framed perfectly in the doorway, was one of my favorite things in all of Miyazaki: a squat stone statue, inscrutab ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|1543 次阅读|没有评论
2023-2-19 09:50
Spirited Away to Miyazaki Land What happens when the surreal imagination of the world’s greatest living animator, Hayao Miyazaki, is turned into a theme park? 当世界上最伟大的(在世)动画师宫崎骏的超现实想象力变成主题公园时,你会看到什么? BySam Anderson Feb. 14, 20 ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|2131 次阅读|没有评论
"同桌的你" (“观”后感)
热度 4 2014-5-16 23:12
出国后,第一次在回国小住时,忙里偷闲去看一场电影。 总的印象,中国大陆和美国大陆的“距离”已很接近。 The cost of a movie ticket is relatively more expensive here in China (like everything else :) You have less freedom with seat choice here, which is assigned by the ticket office. (In the US, ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|3094 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 4
热度 1 2013-7-29 05:49
忘了是在什么时候读过 《为奴隶的母亲 》 . 《为奴隶的母亲》是作家 柔石 写于 1930 年的一部短篇小说。 3 月 1 日发表在《萌芽》第 1 卷第 3 期上。小说通过对旧社会惨无人道的 “ 典妻 ” 现象的描写,控诉了封建社会残酷的经济剥削、阶级压迫以及对劳动人民的精神奴役和摧残 ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|4048 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 5 2013-7-13 05:52
如果你像我一样来美国读书,毕业后一边搞科研,一边 带 孩子,大概很少能有机会与这些超级富人 ( super rich) 和超级穷人 在一起聊天 。 这些超级富人和超级穷人都住在同一条街上, 纽约市 的 派克大道 ( Park Avenue) 。作为富和穷的分水岭的则是一条窄窄的哈林河 (the Harlem River ) ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|6042 次阅读|15 个评论 热度 5
The Hobbit (movie)
热度 2 2013-1-3 16:26
Even though I was told by "the young master" that the movie was not great, I still wanted to see it with my own eyes. Well, he was right, I was not impressed at all. For one thing, once you have seen The Lord of the Rings, you expect more. For another, you knew most of these main characters would ...
个人分类: iMovie (updated)|3050 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2

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