
Gut Microbiome中Metabolic Dependence Network的构建
肖斌 2020-3-24 10:36
文章: Metabolic Dependencies Underlie Interaction Patterns of Gut Microbiota During Enteropathogenesis 杂志:Froniters in Microbiology 年份:2019 研究目的:unsingmetabolic interaction network analysis to predict majority of the changes in terms of the changed directions in t ...
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methylKit安装过程中的XML package报错
肖斌 2020-1-17 14:39
R 3.6.1 参考如下说明安装methylKit https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/methylKit.html 出现报错信息如下 ERROR:dependency‘XML’isnotavailableforpackage‘rtracklayer’ *removing‘/sas5/zuyuan/Bin/miniconda3/lib/R/ ...
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文章Sequencing-based methods and resources to study的阅读记录
肖斌 2019-10-17 09:02
题目: Sequencing-based methods and resources to study antimicrobial resistance 杂志:Nature Reviews 时间:2019 一) 文章目的 This Review provides a detailed overview of antimicrobial resistance identification and characterization methods, from traditional antimicrobial susceptibi ...
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vaginal microbiota在labor onset的变化
肖斌 2019-7-16 17:26
文章: Diversity of vaginal microbiota increases by the time of labor onset ( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17972-0) 研究目的:对于分娩阶段的生殖道微生物未有确切研究 Vaginal microbiota is an important early source of bacterial colonization for newborns. However, only ...
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文章Clinical metagenomics的解读2
肖斌 2019-5-20 15:24
Clinical microbiome analysis 尽管对于微生物的认知在不断拓展,但是目前未有临床应用的案例。 no microbiome-​based tests have been clinically validated for the diagnosis or treatment of disease, in part owing to an incomplete understanding of the complexity of the microbiome and its role in d ...
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肖斌 2019-2-22 17:19
文章: Cesarean or Vaginal Birth Does Not Impact the Longitudinal Development of the Gut Microbiome in a Cohort of Exclusively Preterm Infants 杂志:Frontiers in Microbiology 研究目的:We aimed to determine the impact of birth mode of the preterm gut microbiome over the first 100 days ...
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Seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the Hadza图1的实现
肖斌 2018-8-24 09:15
文章: Seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania 杂志:Science 日期:2017 文章的图非常漂亮,如图1所示 左图尝试用ggplot2整理画图,基本实现图的效果,代码如下: library(ggplot2) data=read.table(pcoa_dr ...
个人分类: 科研文章|3285 次阅读|没有评论
肖斌 2018-8-17 11:23
《人体内旅行》 讲述从幼年、青年、成年到老年过程中,人体是如何运作、成长和成熟的。 下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10ISp4 观看地址: https://www.iqiyi.com/www.iqiyi.com/v_19rr9b972c.html 《工作细胞》 ...
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Best practices for analysing microbiome的个人理解
肖斌 2018-8-9 18:00
文章:Best practices for analysing microbiomes 杂志:Nature Reviews 时间:2017 自然微生物综述(2017 IF:31.851)于2018年5月23日在线发表了Rob Knight亲自撰写(一作兼通讯)的微生物组领域研究方法综述。对此文的详细介绍可见: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3334560-1122300.ht ...
个人分类: 科研文章|4389 次阅读|没有评论

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