

热度 4 2014-4-7 18:59
报告题目: Mapping 30-m Phenology and Water Use through Integrating Multiple Remote Sensing Data 报告人:高峰 研究员(美国农业部水文与遥感实验室) 时间: 2014 年 4 月 15 日 15:00 地点:北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院 180 会议室 &nb ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|7982 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 4
热度 9 2014-2-10 15:22
个人分类: 海外来鸿|6348 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 9
热度 13 2013-7-6 01:51
xxx and Xiaowen, Once again I’m writing to tell you how terrific the BNU students are in particular what a delight yyy is – she is really wonderful and we enjoy having her as part of the group so much – She has done very well during her first year in the US and everyone in the gr ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|4898 次阅读|19 个评论 热度 13
Prof. Roy is looking to hire a post-doc
2009-8-9 19:05
Prof. Roy is looking to hire a post-doc to work on his MODIS burned area research and probably also his NASA funded multi-million-dollar Landsat data project. The details of his projects are available at . A good candidate shou ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|5305 次阅读|1 个评论
NASA Tech Brief:INSIDER 4/16
2009-4-17 16:22
In this edition, sponsored by TAL Technologies and Boker's: * 'Green' Catalysts Promise Cheaper Drug Production * Wanted: Lower pH and Natural Preservation of Food * Dark Flow Suggests Existence of Multiverse * Non-toxic, Injectable Local Anesthetic * Volcano Monitor: Autonomous Triggering of ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|8870 次阅读|没有评论
PROGRAM: Petrology and Geochemistry
2009-4-15 06:24
AGENCY: National Science Foundation (NSF)/ Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)/ Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) PROGRAM: Petrology and Geochemistry OBJECTIVES : This program provides support for basic research on the history of formation and evolution of the chemical composition of solid ma ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|4861 次阅读|没有评论
PROGRAM: Tectonics
2009-4-15 06:21
AGENCY: National Science Foundation (NSF)/ Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)/ Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) PROGRAM: Tectonics OBJECTIVES : This program provides support for a broad range of field, laboratory, computational, and theoretical investigations aimed at understanding the form ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|4819 次阅读|没有评论
PROGRAM: Antarctic Research
2009-4-15 06:19
AGENCY: National Science Foundation (NSF)/ Office of Polar Programs (OPP) PROGRAM: Antarctic Research OBJECTIVES : This program provides funding to expand fundamental knowledge of Antarctica, to foster research on global and regional problems of current scientific importance, and to utiliz ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|4882 次阅读|没有评论
New Frontiers 2009 -- NASA call for proposals
2009-4-2 00:45
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is releasing a NASA Announcement of Opportunity (NNH09ZDA007O), New Frontiers 2009. NASA expects to select up to three New Frontiers mission proposals for a 10 month Phase A study. Following eva ...
个人分类: 海外来鸿|5541 次阅读|没有评论

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