郑中(Geongs Zhern)译于2017年7月7日
一天,我在书店翻到湖南科技出版社的小书《霍金里斯演讲录》,为了掩盖书太薄,他们居然大大加厚了前后封面,依然是吴忠超翻译的。本书开头致辞就是霍金的话“随机应变是一种智慧”,为啥将此句开头了,目的是掩盖过去一而再、再而三的科学打赌失败。随后翻到,吴教授将“a singularity in the form of a ring”译为“环状的奇性”,如此措辞显得拙劣,不如译为“奇环”(与奇点相对)简明,况且物理学中使用过。此书最后吴教授拟了一个对不起的对联,导致这本又小又薄的书收尾又露丑。此书主要由霍金这两篇讲演稿组成,每页段落稀松,竟然排版成80几页,标价39元,谁买啊?典型商业运作而已。霍金若以此书结束写作,就太不精彩了。
这些粒子被称为虚的,因为不像实粒子那样,它们不能被粒子探测器直接观测到。但它们的间接效应可被观测到,而且它们的存在性已被小小的朗伯移位(Lamb shift))所证实,这是从激发的氢原子以光谱能的形式产生的。现在对于存在黑洞的情况,虚粒子对中的一个粒子可落入洞内,并留下另一个没有伴儿的粒子有待湮灭。被抛弃的粒子,或者说反粒子,可在它的伴粒子之后而落入黑洞,但它也可逃逸到无限远处,在那里看起来黑洞就发生了辐射。
注释:当一种理论“已受时间检验”时,实际上意味着被坚实的证据所证实,就可获得物理学诺贝尔奖。比如,皮特尔•希格斯(Peter Higgs)在在科学家们中,他曾在1960年代就提出存在一种粒子可将其质量赋予其它粒子。近50年之后,在大型强子对撞机上两次不同的探测发现著名的希格斯玻色子的迹象。这是科学和工程学的胜利,也是聪明理论和难得证据的胜利。而皮特尔•希格斯和一位柏林科学家甫然索瓦•英格勒特(Francois Englert)共同获得了该奖。还没有发现关于霍金辐射的任何物理学证据。
两百年以来,我们信任科学确定论,即科学定律确定了宇宙的演化。这被拉普拉斯(Pierre-Simon Laplace)形式化了,他说如果我们已知宇宙在某一刻的状态,那么科学定律就可确定宇宙所有的未来和过去。传说拿破仑曾问拉普拉斯上帝如何放入这张图像中。拉普拉斯答道,“先生,我不需要那个假设。”我认为拉普拉斯不会声称上帝不存在。这就是说,他不妨碍打破科学定律。这必须是每位科学家的立场。科学定律不是那种科学定律——它仅当某些超自然存在决定让万物运行而不加干涉的时候才成立。
关键点在于,从外侧看,我们不能确定是否存在黑洞。所以总有不存在黑洞的可能。这种可能性足以保存信息,但信息没以很有用的形式而被返回。这就像烧一本百科全书,如果你保存所有的烟雾和灰烬,那么信息就没丢失,但却难以解读。科学家基普•索恩(Kip Thorne)和我与另一位物理学家约翰•佩斯奇尔(John Preskill)曾打过一次赌:信息会丢失于黑洞。当我发现信息如何被保存时,我就承认赌败了。我送给约翰•佩斯奇尔一本百科全书,或许我应该只送他一撮灰烬。
当前我正与剑桥学院的马尔科穆•裴瑞(Malcolm Perry)和哈佛大学的安德濡•斯卓明格(Andrew Strominger)一起研究一种新理论,根据所谓的超译(supertranslation)数学理念,来解释哪些信息从黑洞返回的机制。信息可从黑洞视界上被解译出来,观测这个空间吧。
注释:如果黑洞正在旋转,那么它们的核心可能不含有无限致密点意义上的奇点。反之,可能存在一个奇环(a singularity in the form of a ring)。而那导致猜测存在不仅落入并穿过黑洞的可能性。这意味着离开我们所知的宇宙。而斯蒂芬•霍金用一种急切思想推断:[信息]可能存在于另一侧。
苏•劳丽:这就是我们所能知道的一切,玛丽。而且听起来,它相当足够了。让我们看看下一个问题——这个问题来自中堡市[1]的约翰•布克麦瑞(John Brookmyre),他把自己描述为一个普通的工作家伙和长期学习者。他今天有幸到了这儿,但让我把他的问题转告您,斯蒂芬。如果你是时间之主,你对哪个时刻感兴趣,为什么?
苏•劳丽:一个造反者当然只有被迫放弃了。好吧,我将来到正义凝然地坐在那儿的达拉•欧布瑞(DaraO’Briain),他是演艺人,还是科学研究生,在都柏林学院研究纯数学和理论物理学,他准备当一名“单人转”演员(stand-up comedy,又译脱口秀、单口相声)。(笑声)所以,你是一名身兼物理学和幽默剧的两栖专家,是吗,达拉?
苏•劳丽:好。克瑞斯•库克(Chris Cooke)是一位25岁的产品设计师,来自萨斯克斯(Sussex)的柯饶利(Crawley)。克瑞斯学过机械工程学,所以他总对物理学感兴趣。在他空余时间里,他支持喜剧演员,达拉。他说,‘尽管我含蓄的…(笑声),尽管我含蓄的个性’。克瑞斯,你的问题呢?
苏•劳丽:非常感谢您回答那个问题。另一个提问者是帕垂克•朵纳修(Patrick Donaghue)。他是一名布景师,在伦敦生活工作。你的问题呢,帕垂克?
[1] Middlesbrough,旧译米德尔斯布勒,英国英格兰东北部港市。
Transcript of Stephen Hawking’s second Reith lecture
Lecture broadcast on 02.02.2016
Withannotations by BBC Science Editor David Shukman Stephen Hawking, the"world's most famous scientist" is giving this year's BBC ReithLectures. As a guide for the "interested but perplexed", I have addeda few notes (in italics below) to the transcript of Prof Hawking's secondlecture, in the same way I did last week.
In my previous lecture I left you on acliffhanger: a paradox about the nature of black holes, the incredibly denseobjects created by the collapse of stars. One theory suggested that black holeswith identical qualities could be formed from an infinite number of differenttypes of stars. Another suggested that the number could be finite. This is aproblem of information, that is the idea that every particle and every force inthe universe contains information, an implicit answer to a yes-no question.
Because black holes have no hair, as thescientist John Wheeler put it, one can't tell from the outside what is inside ablack hole, apart from its mass, electric charge, and rotation. This means thata black hole contains a lot of information that is hidden from the outsideworld. If the amount of hidden information inside a black hole depends on thesize of the hole, one would expect from general principles that the black holewould have a temperature, and would glow like a piece of hot metal. But thatwas impossible, because as everyone knew, nothing could get out of a blackhole. Or so it was thought.
This problem remained until early in 1974,when I was investigating what the behaviour of matter in the vicinity of ablack hole would be, according to quantum mechanics.
DS: Quantum mechanics is the science of theextremely small and it seeks to explain the behaviour of the tiniest particles.These do not act according to the laws that govern the movements of much biggerobjects like planets, laws that were first framed by Isaac Newton. Using thescience of the very small to study the very large was one of Stephen Hawking’spioneering achievements.
To my great surprise I found that the blackhole seemed to emit particles at a steady rate. Like everyone else at thattime, I accepted the dictum that a black hole could not emit anything. Itherefore put quite a lot of effort into trying to get rid of this embarrassingeffect. But the more I thought about it, the more it refused to go away, sothat in the end I had to accept it. What finally convinced me it was a realphysical process was that the outgoing particles have a spectrum that isprecisely thermal. My calculationspredicted that a black hole creates and emits particles and radiation, just asif it were an ordinary hot body, with a temperature that is proportional to thesurface gravity, and inversely proportional to the mass.
DS: These calculations were the first toshow that a black hole need not be a one-way street to a dead end. No surprise,the emissions suggested by the theory became known as Hawking Radiation.
Since that time, the mathematical evidencethat black holes emit thermal radiation has been confirmed by a number of otherpeople with various different approaches. One way to understand the emission isas follows. Quantum mechanics implies that the whole of space is pairs ofvirtual and anti particles, filled with pairs of virtual particles andantiparticles, that are constantly materializing in pairs, separating, and thencoming together again, and annihilating each other.
DS: This concept hinges on the idea that avacuum is never totally empty. According to the uncertainty principle ofquantum mechanics, there is always the chance that particles may come intoexistence, however briefly. And this would always involve pairs of particles,with opposite characteristics, appearing and disappearing.
These particles are called virtual becauseunlike real particles they cannot be observed directly with a particledetector. Their indirect effects can nonetheless be measured, and theirexistence has been confirmed by a small shift, called the Lamb shift, whichthey produce in the spectrum energy of light from excited hydrogen atoms. Nowin the presence of a black hole, one member of a pair of virtual particles mayfall into the hole, leaving the other member without a partner with which toannihilate. The forsaken particle or antiparticle may fall into the black holeafter its partner, but it may also escape to infinity, where it appears to beradiation emitted by the black hole.
DS: The key here is that the formation anddisappearance of these particles normally passes unnoticed. But if the processhappens right on the edge of a black hole, one of the pair may get dragged inwhile the other is not. The particle that escapes would then look as if it’sbeing spat out by the black hole.
A black hole of the mass of the sun, wouldleak particles at such a slow rate, it would be impossible to detect. However,there could be much smaller mini black holes with the mass of say, a mountain.A mountain-sized black hole would give off x-rays and gamma rays, at a rate ofabout ten million megawatts, enough to power the world's electricity supply. Itwouldn't be easy however, to harness a mini black hole. You couldn't keep it in a power station,because it would drop through the floor and end up at the centre of the Earth.If we had such a black hole, about the only way to keep hold of it would be tohave it in orbit around the Earth.
People have searched for mini black holesof this mass, but have so far not found any. This is a pity, because if theyhad I would have got a Nobel Prize. Another possibility, however, is that wemight be able to create micro black holes in the extra dimensions of spacetime.
DS: By ‘extra dimensions’, he meanssomething beyond the three dimensions that we are all familiar with in oureveryday lives, plus the fourth dimension of time. The idea arose as part of aneffort to explain why gravity is so much weaker than other forces such asmagnetism – maybe it’s also having to operate in parallel dimensions.
According to some theories, the universe weexperience is just a four dimensional surface in a ten or eleven dimensionalspace. The movie Interstellar gives some idea of what this is like. We wouldn'tsee these extra dimensions because light wouldn't propagate through them butonly through the four dimensions of our universe. Gravity, however, wouldaffect the extra dimensions and would be much stronger than in our universe.This would make it much easier to form a little black hole in the extradimensions. It might be possible to observe this at the LHC, the Large HadronCollider, at CERN in Switzerland.This consists of a circular tunnel, 27 kilometres long. Two beams of particles travel round thistunnel in opposite directions, and are made to collide. Some of the collisionsmight create micro black holes. These would radiate particles in a pattern thatwould be easy to recognize. So I might get a Nobel Prize after all.
DS: The Nobel Prize in Physics is awardedwhen a theory is “tested by time” which in practice means confirmation by hardevidence. For example, Peter Higgs was among scientists who, back in the 1960s,suggested the existence of a particle that would give other particles theirmass. Nearly 50 years later, two different detectors at the Large HadronCollider spotted signs of what had become known as the Higgs Boson. It was atriumph of science and engineering, of clever theory and hard-won evidence. AndPeter Higgs and Francois Englert, a Belgian scientist, were jointly awarded theprize. No physical proof has yet been found of Hawking Radiation.
As particles escape from a black hole, thehole will lose mass, and shrink. This will increase the rate of emission ofparticles. Eventually, the black hole will lose all its mass, and disappear.What then happens to all the particles and unlucky astronauts that fell intothe black hole? They can't just re-emerge when the black hole disappears. Itappears that the information about what fell in is lost, apart from the totalamount of mass, and the amount of rotation. But if information is lost, thisraises a serious problem that strikes at the heart of our understanding of science.
For more than 200 years, we have believedin scientific determinism, that is, that the laws of science determine theevolution of the universe. This was formulated by Pierre-Simon Laplace, whosaid that if we know the state of the universe at one time, the laws of sciencewill determine it at all future and past times. Napoleon is said to have asked Laplace how God fitted into this picture. Laplacereplied, “Sire, I have not needed that hypothesis.” I don't think that Laplace was claiming that God didn't exist. It is justthat he doesn't intervene to break the laws of science. That must be theposition of every scientist. A scientific law is not a scientific law if itonly holds when some supernatural being decides to let things run and not intervene.
In Laplace'sdeterminism, one needed to know the positions and speeds of all particles atone time, in order to predict the future. But there's the uncertaintyrelationship, discovered by Walter Heisenberg in 1923, which lies at the heartof quantum mechanics.
This holds that the more accurately youknow the positions of particles, the less accurately you can know their speeds,and vice versa. In other words, you can't know both the positions and thespeeds accurately. How then can you predict the future accurately? The answeris that although one can't predict the positions and speeds separately, one canpredict what is called the quantum state. This is something from which bothpositions and speeds can be calculated to a certain degree of accuracy. Wewould still expect the universe to be deterministic, in the sense that if weknew the quantum state of the universe at one time, the laws of science shouldenable us to predict it at any other time.
DS: What began as an explanation of whathappens at an event horizon has deepened into an exploration of some of themost important philosophies in science - from the clockwork world of Newton to the laws of Laplaceto the uncertainties of Heisenberg – and where they are challenged by themystery of black holes. Essentially, information entering a black hole shouldbe destroyed, according to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity whilequantum theory says it cannot be broken down, and this remains an unresolvedquestion.
If information were lost in black holes, wewouldn't be able to predict the future, because a black hole could emit anycollection of particles. It could emit a working television set, or aleather-bound volume of the complete works of Shakespeare, though the chance ofsuch exotic emissions is very low. It might seem that it wouldn't matter verymuch if we couldn't predict what comes out of black holes. There aren't anyblack holes near us. But it is a matter of principle. If determinism, thepredictability of the universe, breaks down with black holes, it could breakdown in other situations. Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can't besure of our past history either. The history books and our memories could justbe illusions. It is the past that tells us who we are. Without it, we lose ouridentity.
It was therefore very important to determinewhether information really was lost in black holes, or whether in principle, itcould be recovered. Many scientists felt that information should not be lost,but no one could suggest a mechanism by which it could be preserved. Thearguments went on for years. Finally, I found what I think is the answer. Itdepends on the idea of Richard Feynman, that there isn't a single history, butmany different possible histories, each with their own probability. In thiscase, there are two kinds of history. In one, there is a black hole, into whichparticles can fall, but in the other kind there is no black hole.
The point is that from the outside, onecan't be certain whether there is a black hole or not. So there is always achance that there isn't a black hole. This possibility is enough to preservethe information, but the information is not returned in a very useful form. Itis like burning an encyclopaedia. Information is not lost if you keep all the smoke and ashes, but it isdifficult to read. The scientist Kip Thorne and I had a bet with anotherphysicist, John Preskill, that information would be lost in black holes. When Idiscovered how information could be preserved, I conceded the bet. I gave JohnPreskill an encyclopaedia. Maybe I should have just given him the ashes.
DS: In theory, and with a purelydeterministic view of the universe, you could burn an encyclopaedia and thenreconstitute it if you knew the characteristics and position of every atommaking up every molecule of ink in every letter and kept track of them all atall times.
Currently I'm working with my Cambridge colleagueMalcolm Perry and Andrew Strominger from Harvard on a new theory based on amathematical idea called supertranslations to explain the mechanism by whichinformation is returned out of the black hole. The information is encoded onthe horizon of the black hole. Watch this space.
DS: Since the Reith Lectures were recorded,Prof Hawking and his colleagues have published a paper which makes amathematical case that information can be stored in the event horizon. The theoryhinges on information being transformed into a two-dimensional hologram in aprocess known as supertranslations. The paper, titled Soft Hair on Black Holes,offers a highly revealing glimpse into the esoteric language of this fieldhttp://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.00921v1.pdf and the challenge that scientists face intrying to explain it.
What does this tell us about whether it ispossible to fall in a black hole, and come out in another universe? Theexistence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might bepossible. The hole would need to be large, and if it was rotating, it mighthave a passage to another universe. But you couldn't come back to our universe.So although I'm keen on space flight, I'm not going to try that.
DS: If black holes are rotating, then theirheart may not consist of a singularity in the sense of an infinitely densepoint. Instead, there may be a singularity in the form of a ring. And thatleads to speculation about the possibility of not only falling into a blackhole but also travelling through one. This would mean leaving the universe aswe know it. And Stephen Hawking concludes with a tantalising thought: thatthere may something on the other side.
The message of this lecture is that blackholes ain't as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons theywere once thought. Things can get out of a black hole, both to the outside, andpossibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don'tgive up. There's a way out. Thank you very much.
Transcript of audience Q and A after the secondlecture
SUE LAWLEY: Professor Hawking, thank youvery much indeed. So we’ve been taken on a trip to the outer regions of theuniverse, to the brink of human understanding and beyond. Listeners have sentin hundreds of questions for the professor and some of them are here with usnow in the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution in London to put their questions in person. Canwe have our first questioner, please? She’s Marie Griffiths who comes fromGodalming in Surrey, a civil servant at theDepartment for Education and has always been interested in physics. Yourquestion, please, Marie?
MARIE GRIFFITHS: Did the Big Bang startjust one universe or all the multiverses?
SUE LAWLEY: Stephen?
STEPHEN HAWKING: Some theories about theBig Bang allow for the creation of a very large and complex universe, maybeeven many universes. However, even if there were other universes, we wouldn’tknow about them. Our connected component of space time is all we can know.
SUE LAWLEY: It’s all we can know, Marie.And it’s quite enough, by the sound of it. Let’s have our next question – aquestion from John Brookmyre from Middlesbroughwho describes himself as an ordinary working bloke and a lifelong learner. Hecouldn’t unfortunately get here today, but let me put his question to you forhim, Stephen. If you were a time lord, what moment in time would interest youand why?
STEPHEN HAWKING: I would like to meetGalileo. He was the first modern scientist, who realized the importance ofobservation. Galileo was the first person to challenge the received wisdom thatthe ancient Greeks, and Aristotle in particular, were the ultimate authority inscience. Galileo pointed out that simple observations, like dropping weightsfrom a height, show things do not work the way Aristotle said. This must havebeen seen by many people, but they had put it down to imperfect observations,or other reasons. But Galileo said the ancients were actually wrong and startedto work out the correct laws from the observations. That makes him the fatherof modern science. He followed his nose, and was a bit of a rebel. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: A rebel who was forced torecant, of course. Right I’m going to come to Dara O’Briain over here on theright. Dara, the entertainer and science graduate. He studied pure mathematicsand theoretical physics at University College Dublin in preparation for hiscareer as a stand-up comic. (laughter) So you’re an expert, are you Dara, onboth physics and humour?
DARA O’BRIAIN: Yes, yeah, we overlap insome ways. Given that Stephen has appeared twice in The Simpsons, he has a moresuccessful comedy career than I do. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: But he was your boyhood hero,wasn’t he?
DARA O’BRIAIN: There was a huge … Yes Iremember receiving a copy of A Brief History of Time for my Christmas when Iwas about 16. I had the pleasure this year of meeting him and having itautographed as it were and spending some time with Stephen this year. It was anhonour.
SUE LAWLEY: Okay ask him anotherquestion.
DARA O’BRIAIN: Well actually given thechance, I turned the opportunity of this question over to some physicists Iknow – in particular Jim Al-Khalili. Professor Jim Al-Khalili wanted to ask aquestion from within the scientific community. As he said, most of the peoplein the physics community would indeed see the confirmation of Hawkingradiation, which Professor Hawking invented in 1974, as being worthy of a NobelPrize since it would have been the first theoretical prediction that requiredboth quantum mechanics and relativity. Does Professor Hawking believe thatHawking radiation will be observed in his lifetime? And if it is observed,where does he think this experimental evidence will come from?
STEPHEN HAWKING: I am resigned to the factthat I won't see proof of Hawking radiation directly, though there are solidstate analogues of black holes and cyclotron effects that the Nobel committeemight accept as proof. (laughter) But there's another kind of Hawking radiationcoming from the cosmological event horizon of the early inflationary universe.I’m now studying whether one might detect Hawking radiation in primordialgravitational waves. So I might get a Nobel Prize after all.
SUE LAWLEY: (laughter) A new kind ofHawking radiation then from light years earlier. Does that excite youDara?
DARA O’BRIAIN: It does say one thing,however – that the work that Professor Hawking’s been
doing, theoretically and has been doing??,has skipped so far ahead of what we can do experimentally that there will befor a long time people racing to keep up with this work.
SUE LAWLEY: So I dare say you think that,whatever happens, he should get the Nobel Prize, huh?
DARA O’BRIAIN: If it was done by publicacclaim, if it was a phone vote, (laughter) but the Swedes are notoriouslysticky about that kind of stuff. So yeah, but I do believe - yes.
SUE LAWLEY: Okay. Chris Cooke, a 25 yearold product designer from Crawley in Sussex. Chris
studied mechanical engineering, so he’salways been interested in physics. In his spare time, he does stand-up comedy,Dara, “despite my introverted … (laughter) despite my introverted personalitytraits”, he says. Chris, your question?
CHRIS COOKE: Do you feel that using aspeech device to communicate has changed your personality in any way? As anintrovert, has it made you more extroverted?
SUE LAWLEY: Stephen?
STEPHEN HAWKING: Well I am not sure I haveever been called an introvert before. (laughter) Just because I spend a lot oftime thinking doesn’t mean I don’t like parties and getting into trouble.(laughter) I enjoy communicating and I enjoy giving popular lectures aboutscience. My speech synthesizer has been very important for this, even though Iended up with an American accent. (laughter) Before I lost my voice, my speechwas slurred, so only those close to me could understand, but with the computervoice I found I could talk to everyone without help. So it has allowed me toexpress my personality rather than changing it.
SUE LAWLEY: Thank you very much for thatquestion. Another questioner, Patrick Donaghue. He’s a set designer who livesand works in London.Your question, Patrick?
PATRICK DONAGUE: Professor Hawking, do youthink the world will end naturally or will man destroy it first?
SUE LAWLEY: Professor Hawking, just a smallquestion. (laughter)
STEPHEN HAWKING: We face a number of threatsto our survival from nuclear war, catastrophic global warming, and geneticallyengineered viruses. The number is likely to increase in the future, with thedevelopment of new technologies, and new ways things can go wrong. Although thechance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year may be quite low, it addsup over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousandyears. By that time we should have spread out into space, and to other stars,so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race. However, wewill not establish selfsustaining colonies in space for at least the nexthundred years, so we have to be very careful in this period. (laughter) Most ofthe threats we face come from the progress we have made in science andtechnology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we haveto recognize the dangers and control them. I'm an optimist, and I believe wecan.
SUE LAWLEY: Well I don’t know about theworld, but we’re definitely running out of time. We’ve got one last questionfrom Tara Struthers who’s originally from the Orkneys, which may account forher lifelong interest in astronomy. These days she works for a film productioncompany.
TARA STRUTHERS: If you had to offer onepiece of advice for future generations of scientists, namely physicists andcosmologists, what would it be?
STEPHEN HAWKING: Science is a greatenterprise and I want to share my excitement and enthusiasm about its success.From my own perspective, it has been a glorious time to be alive and doingresearch in theoretical physics. There is nothing like the Eureka moment of discovering something thatno one knew before. So my advice to young scientists is to be curious, and tryto make sense of what you see. We live in a universe governed by rational lawsthat we can discover and understand. Despite recent triumphs, there are manynew and deep mysteries that remain for you to solve. And keep a sense of wonderabout our vast and complex universe and what makes it exist. But you also mustremember that science and technology are changing our world dramatically, soit’s important to ensure that these changes are heading in the rightdirections. In a democratic society, this means that everyone needs to have abasic understanding of science to make informed decisions about the future. Socommunicate plainly what you are trying to do in science, and who knows, youmight even end up understanding it yourself. (laughter)
SUE LAWLEY: And there we must end. Newton was once asked howhe’d managed to understand so much about the laws of the universe and heanswered: "by thinking of these things continually." Those of us whorely on others to do their thinking for them, are very glad that we have menlike Stephen Hawking. His lectures will be available on the BBC Reith websitewhere you’ll find recordings, transcripts and videos - an archive of all 67series of Reith Lectures going back to 1948. For now, from the RoyalInstitution in London,our thanks to the BBC Reith Lecturer Professor Stephen Hawking. Andgoodbye.
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