
An Introduction to Docker for R Users
熊毅 2022-5-21 08:29
A quick introduction on using Docker for reproducibility in R. Disclaimer: this blog post is an introduction to Docker for beginners, and will takes some shortcuts ;) What is Docker? Docker is “a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as ‘containeriz ...
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熊毅 2022-3-10 02:53
9月23日,特斯拉在美国加州工厂发布了无极耳新型4680型电池,即高度80毫米,直径46毫米,采用激光雕刻的无极耳技术。无级耳电池的结构,去掉了电池主要发热部件,内阻减少,让更高密度电芯成为可能。 特斯拉这次发布的无极耳技术是怎么样的一种技术?其技术原理是怎样的?与国产圆柱全极耳电池比较,有什么区别和优势? 我 ...
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熊毅 2022-1-2 12:06
美国新冠轻症的治疗和就医方式 Omicron株在北美肆虐,确诊病例一再创新高;同时大流行已经将近两年,越来越多有效的治疗药物也陆续出来。不过遗憾的是,以当前的流行严重情况,“特效药”会优先供应医学上最高危的群体。如果不幸中招,对于自己的风险情况,新冠有哪些治疗选择,以及如何获得药物的就医方式,我今天来 ...
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热度 2 熊毅 2021-12-27 00:08
2021年12月25日至26日是全国硕士研究生招生考试时间。 澎湃新闻记者注意到,就在考研这两天,著名青年科普作家 赵序茅 刊登在《国科大》2019年第3期的一篇文章 《毕业致谢:我从来不曾优秀过》 引起学界关注、转发,作者屡经挫折却永不放弃的科研精神和求学之路,这两天也感动了不少仍奋斗在路上的网友、学子。 ...
个人分类: 感悟|1663 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
15 Qualities You Need to Develop Mental Toughness
熊毅 2021-8-26 22:54
Mental toughness is a huge indicator of success. Here's how to know if you've got it. We all reach critical points in our lives where our mental toughness is tested. It might be because of a toxic friend or colleague, a dead-end job, or a struggling relationship. Whatever the challe ...
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Breaking Down Diversity Statements
熊毅 2021-8-24 00:56
There’s a lot of chatter about faculty diversity statements , good and bad. But there’s little talk about what’s actually in them. Do they all read the same? Do they provide a clear record of faculty applicants’ past efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in their teaching, re ...
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The Effective Diversity Statement
熊毅 2021-8-24 00:54
Faculty job postings are increasingly asking for diversity statements, in addition to research and teaching statements. According to the University of California at San Diego website , “the purpose of the statement is to identify candidates who have professional skills, experience and/or wil ...
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