
赵晓锋 2010-6-20 16:06
相关系数与回归系数符号 问题: 做了二元回归方程Y=a+b1X1+b2X2,得b2为负数,即Y与X2成反比,求Y和X2两组数据相关系数为正数即Y与X2成正比,问到底Y与X2成正比或反比,为什么? 回答: 首先要清楚两个概念,正比和正相关。 正相关:自变量增长,因变量也跟着增长。 正比:自变量增长为原来的K倍,因变量也增长为原 ...
个人分类: ecmt|11236 次阅读|没有评论
Sargan Test and Hausman Test
赵晓锋 2010-4-26 08:43
Sargan Test The Sargan test is a test of the validity of instrumental variables. It is a test of the overidentifying restrictions. The hypothesis being tested with the Sargan test is that the instrumental variables are uncorrelated to some set of residuals , and therefore they are acceptabl ...
个人分类: ecmt|6235 次阅读|没有评论

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