
How do I graph data onto a map with tmap?stata_faq
赵晓锋 2009-9-28 13:11
How do I graph data onto a map with tmap? http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/tmap.html
个人分类: Stata|2841 次阅读|没有评论
Guide to creating maps with Stata
赵晓锋 2009-9-28 13:09
Guide to creating maps with Stata The graphs and maps on this site are created with the Stata statistical package. This article describes how to make maps like those showing Millennium Development Goal regions and UNICEF regions in Stata from a shapefile. Shapefiles store geographic ...
个人分类: Stata|6043 次阅读|没有评论
[STATA]DATAOUT: Stata module to export a dataset or tab-delimited file into vari
赵晓锋 2009-9-14 17:38
DATAOUT: Stata module to export a dataset or tab-delimited file into various formats dataout provides a fast and easy way to export dataset or tab-delimited files into various output formats compatible with Latex, Word, and Excel
个人分类: Stata|3544 次阅读|没有评论
[STATA]IFWINS: Stata module to subset a dataset by 'if exp' before subsetting by
赵晓锋 2009-9-14 17:38
ifwins is a prefix command that runs most any Stata command that does not modify the dataset in memory (e.g. generate, replace, etc.). ifwins will have 'if' subset the dataset before 'in' subsets the dataset. This is the opposite of what happens when both 'if' and 'in' are used in the same Stata ...
个人分类: Stata|2721 次阅读|没有评论
[STATA]HAIF: Stata module to compute Homoskedastic Adjustment Inflation Factors
赵晓锋 2009-9-14 17:34
haif calculates homoskedastic adjustment inflation factors (HAIFs) for core variables in the corevarlist, caused by adjustment by the additional variables specified by addvars(). HAIFs are calculated for the variances and standard errors of estimated linear regression parameters corresponding to ...
个人分类: Stata|3799 次阅读|没有评论

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