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已有 4489 次阅读 2013-8-6 08:15 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记| 知识, 心脏病

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       研究测量了 2800 名寻求性功能障碍治疗的意大利男子的睾丸大小,并持续关注他们的状况长达 7 年。研究人员意外的发现心脏疾病的风险因素——例如肥胖症、吸烟和高血压——与较大的睾丸存在直接的联系。 较大睾丸的男子因心脏疾病入院就医的风险也相对更大。研究人员还发现高含量的黄体化激素(luteinizing hormone, LH)——由脑下垂体分泌,能够刺激睾丸素的产生——与增加的心脏疾病风险有关。即使研究人员考虑了心脏疾病的风险因素,这种关联依然存在。 http://www.bio360.net/news/show/6500.html


2013 Jul 11. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12270. [Epub ahead of print]

Relationship of TestisSize and LHLevels with Incidence of MajorAdverseCardiovascularEvents in OlderMen with SexualDysfunction. 性功能障碍老年人的睾丸大小和LHL水平与主要心血管事件的关系


Sexual Medicine and Andrology Unit, Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.


Measurement of testis volume (TV) is a reliable clinical procedure that predicts reproductive fitness. However, the role of TV in overall and cardiovascular (CV) fitness has never been studied.


The study aims to analyze the clinical correlates of TV in patients with sexualdysfunction (SD) and to verify the value of this parameter and its determinants (i.e., luteinizing hormone [LH] levels) in predicting majoradverse CV events (MACE).


A consecutive series of 2,809 subjects without testiculopathy (age 51.2 ± 13.1) consulting for SD was retrospectively studied. A subset of this sample (n = 1,395) was enrolled in a longitudinal study.


Several clinical and biochemical parameters were investigated.


After adjusting for confounders, TV was negatively associated with both LH (Adj. r = -0.234; P < 0.0001) and follicle-stimulating hormone (Adj. r = -0.326; P < 0.0001). In addition, overweight/obesity, smoking, and alcohol abuse increased as a function of TV (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.041 [1.021-1.061], P < 0.0001; 1.024 [1.005-1.044], P = 0.012; 1.063 [1.015-1.112], P = 0.009, respectively). Furthermore, mean blood pressure was positively related to increased TV (Adj. r = 0.157; P < 0.0001). The effect of these lifestyle factors on TV were only partially related to changes in gonadotropin levels. In the longitudinal analysis, after adjusting for confounders, TV was associated with a higher incidence of MACE (HR = 1.066 [1.013-1.122]; P = 0.014), and the stepwise introduction in the Cox model of lifestyle factors, mean blood pressure and body mass index progressively smoothed out the association, which was no longer statistically significant in the fully adjusted model. Conversely, the association of higher LHlevels with increased incidence of MACE was not attenuated by the progressive introduction of the aforementioned confounders in the model.


Our data show that in SD subjects, TV and LH are associated with an adverse CV risk profile that mediate the higher TV-associated incidence of MACE. High LHlevels are an independent marker of CV risk. Further studies are needed for clarifying determinants and mechanisms of testis enlargement that, beyond gonadotropins, could mediate the increased incidence of MACE. Rastrelli G, Corona G, Lotti F, Boddi V, Mannucci E, and Maggi M. Relationship of testissize and LHlevels with incidence of majoradversecardiovascularevents in oldermen with sexualdysfunction. J Sex Med **;**:**-**.

© 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine.


CardiovascularEvents, Hypertension, Luteinizing Hormone, Testis Volume, Testosterone

PMID:23844651[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

知识发现平台  http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi

Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
A-query: Cardiovascular Events
C-query: Testis Size

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 4 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 15874 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 943 terms on the current B-list (发现265个睾丸大小与心脏病关联的基因、蛋白质研究相关知识概念,这些知识概念是文献中隐含的知识点,称为非相关文献的知识概念,也称隐性知识,这些文献之间没有引证关系(引用或互引),科研人员可以去分析这些知识点,也许从中获得科研启发,对科研选题有所帮助;也许对正在进行中的科研工作有参考意义。265are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.





Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
Articles that are in both the A and C literature1: Relationship of Testis Size and LH Levels with Incidence of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Older Men with Sexual Dysfunction. 2013
Add to clipboard

2: Effect of bitter gourd and spent turmeric on constituents of glycosaminoglycans in different tissues in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. 2006
Add to clipboard

3: Chronic administration of nandrolone decanoate does not increase the plasma homocysteine level of male rats. 2005
Add to clipboard

4: TBL2, a novel transducin family member in the WBS deletion: characterization of the complete sequence, genomic structure, transcriptional variants and the mouse ortholog. 1999
Add to clipboard










job id # 15874 started Mon Aug 5 19:20:12 2013
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Cardiovascular Events Mon Aug 5 19:20:17 2013

A query = Cardiovascular Events started Mon Aug 5 19:20:19 2013
A query resulted in 50000 titles
C_query_raw: Cardiovascular Events Mon Aug 5 19:20:22 2013

C: Cardiovascular Events 53001

A: pubmed_query_A 53001

AC: ( Cardiovascular Events ) AND ( Cardiovascular Events ) 53001

C_query_raw: Testis Size Mon Aug 5 19:20:46 2013

C: Testis Size 10038

A: pubmed_query_A 53001

AC: ( Cardiovascular Events ) AND ( Testis Size ) 4

C_query_raw: Testis Size Mon Aug 5 19:20:50 2013

C: Testis Size 10038

A: pubmed_query_A 53001

AC: ( Cardiovascular Events ) AND ( Testis Size ) 4

C query = Testis Size started Mon Aug 5 19:20:50 2013
C query resulted in 10038 titles
A AND C query resulted in 4 titles
12208 B-terms ready on Mon Aug 5 19:21:17 2013

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
943 B-terms left after filter executed Mon Aug 5 19:22:50 2013

B-list on Mon Aug 5 19:23:44 2013
1 akt
2 leptin
3 angiotensin receptor
4 p27kip1
5 wnt
6 leptin receptor
7 hdl
8 beta catenin
9 caspase-3
10 body mass index
11 insulin receptor substrate
12 differentially expressed gene
13 gonadotropin releasing hormone
14 caspase
15 tyrosine kinase
16 cannabinoid receptor
17 cd46
18 cdna
19 cyclin dependent kinase
20 fas ligand
21 jnk
22 calmodulin
23 aromatase
24 quantitative trait loci
25 hypercholesterolemia
26 occludin
27 e2f1
28 aquaporin
29 estrogen receptor alpha
30 calcium channel
31 transcription factor
32 ny eso-1
33 body mass
34 myc
35 renin
36 exon skipping
37 c jun
38 matrix metalloproteinase
39 connexin43
40 receptor gene
41 hmg coa reductase
42 fasl
43 gdnf
44 p27
45 ppargamma
46 gnrh
47 bax
48 intron
49 activin
50 ghrelin
51 platelet activation
52 immunophilin
53 pitx2
54 nf kappab
55 follistatin
56 ace
57 estrogen receptor
58 abcd2
59 velocardiofacial syndrome
60 exon
61 ets
62 proenkephalin
63 clock gene
64 rho kinase
65 gene family
66 chloride channel
67 zinc finger protein
68 pcb
69 cxcr4
70 tumor necrosis factor
71 isoform
72 fdg
73 bcl-2
74 her-2
75 estrogen receptor beta
76 map kinase
77 tgfbr1
78 collagen gene
79 meiotic recombination
80 protein kinase
81 diabetes mellitus
82 mmp-2
83 receptor tyrosine kinase
84 heparan sulfate proteoglycan
85 connexin
86 apolipoprotein e
87 endothelin
88 androgen receptor gene
89 c myb
90 bcl xl
91 p38
92 nuclear respiratory factor
93 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
94 transgene
95 tgfbeta
96 histone deacetylase
97 proto oncogene
98 novel gene
99 circadian clock gene
100 rna binding protein
101 triglyceride
102 cadherin
103 hepatocyte growth factor
104 gene encoding
105 e beta carotene
106 rnai
107 clusterin
108 lipocalin
109 microrna
110 fat mass
111 shr
112 p300
113 ubiquitin
114 gata
115 phospholipase
116 tcdd
117 pparalpha
118 alcohol dehydrogenase
119 ebp
120 nkx2
121 obese
122 timp-2
123 iib
124 fk506
125 tandem repeat
126 enzyme gene
127 pi3k
128 heat shock factor
129 adiposity
130 calcitonin gene related
131 laminin
132 gene related peptide
133 atherosclerosis
134 prostate cancer
135 opioid peptide gene
136 alternate promoter
137 lysyl oxidase
138 diabetes
139 insulin receptor
140 igf i
141 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
142 hsp70
143 egfr
144 myb
145 gene expressed
146 metallothionein
147 dicer
148 signal peptide
149 vas
150 tgf beta1
151 cyclin
152 enhancer
153 anti mullerian hormone
154 c myc
155 igf
156 laminin receptor
157 fibroblast growth factor
158 apolipoprotein a i
159 ldl
160 calpain
161 mri
162 peroxisome
163 vitamin e
164 bdnf
165 lhrh
166 ct
167 interleukin
168 cdc42
169 circadian rhythm
170 heme oxygenase
171 calcium binding protein
172 expression gene
173 obesity
174 alpha gene
175 heme
176 apolipoprotein a
177 gene characterization
178 tnf
179 udp glucuronosyltransferase
180 jun
181 nf
182 prolactin
183 epoxide hydrolase
184 growth factor gene
185 bph
186 c fos
187 protooncogene
188 peptide gene
189 annexin
190 progesterone receptor
191 apolipoprotein b
192 body weight
193 pacap
194 protein kinase c
195 squalene synthase
196 myocardial infarction
197 cytoskeletal protein
198 ornithine decarboxylase
199 c kit
200 thrombospondin
201 vimentin
202 tumor suppressor gene
203 hemoglobin
204 estrogen receptor gene
205 bcl
206 myosin
207 golden
208 glutathione peroxidase
209 tumor suppressor
210 c vitamin e
211 fat
212 gene transcript
213 nk1
214 regulatory region
215 growth hormone
216 protein phosphatase
217 plasminogen
218 protein tyrosine phosphatase
219 blind
220 matrix protein gene
221 proto oncogene c
222 receptor gene expression
223 caveolin-1
224 e deficient
225 p53
226 il-6
227 meta
228 dna binding
229 gtpase
230 hmg
231 cag
232 n cadherin
233 protease
234 hedgehog
235 polycystic kidney disease
236 peroxiredoxin
237 factor gene
238 aminotransferase
239 bcl2
240 i gene
241 coa
242 proteoglycan
243 mrl
244 5-ht
245 fyn
246 potassium channel
247 xo
248 cytochrome p450
249 p450
250 apoe
251 p44
252 balloon
253 oncogene
254 phosphatase
255 tyrosine phosphatase
256 cholesterol
257 bb
258 helicase
259 insulin
260 adenylate cyclase
261 st
262 ca2
263 thymosin beta
264 kinase
265 axis



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