
2016 mBio 益生菌多样性增强根际微生物组功能和植物病害抑制
2024-9-10 17:05
原文链接: Probiotic Diversity Enhances Rhizosphere Microbiome Function and Plant Disease Suppression | mBio ( ABSTRACT Bacterial communities associated with plant roots play an important role in the suppression of soil-borne pathogens, and multispecies probiotic consortia may e ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|693 次阅读|没有评论
2017 SBB 益生菌假单胞菌群落通过多样性介导的生态系统功能促进植物生长和营养吸收
2024-9-10 16:52
原文链接: Highlights • Multi-strain inoculants improve plant growth better than single-strain inoculants. • Richness effects were clearly stronger than the Pseudomonas strains identity effects. • Multi-strain inoculants enhance inoculants' abundance in ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|430 次阅读|没有评论
2022 AEM 来自窖泥的两种新型梭菌种之间基于代谢物的互利相互作用增强了丁酸和己酸的产生
2024-9-10 09:04
原文链接: Metabolite-Based Mutualistic Interaction between Two Novel Clostridial Species from Pit Mud Enhances Butyrate and Caproate Production | Applied and Environmental Microbiology ( ABSTRACT Pit mud microbial consortia play crucial roles in the formation of Chinese strong-flav ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|357 次阅读|没有评论
2014 JPS 微生物协同与拮抗作用对炼油废水微生物燃料电池性能的影响
2024-9-9 17:07
原文链接: The influence of microbial synergistic and antagonistic effects on the performance of refinery wastewater microbial fuel cells - ScienceDirect Highlights • Microbial synergistic and antagonistic effect does exist among diverse microbial strains in MFC. • Microbial sy ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|723 次阅读|没有评论
2024 Nature 小鼠肠道细菌的原位靶向碱基编辑
2024-8-29 16:15
原文链接: In situ targeted base editing of bacteria in the mouse gut | Nature Abstract Microbiome research is now demonstrating a growing number of bacterial strains and genes that affect our health 1 . Although CRISPR-derived tools have shown great success in editing disease-driving gene ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|452 次阅读|没有评论
2017 PNAS 拮抗作用与不同细菌的代谢相似性相关
2024-8-29 15:51
原文链接: Antagonism correlates with metabolic similarity in diverse bacteria | PNAS Significance Diverse species from all over the bacterial tree of life produce antibiotics to limit the growth of competitors and thereby enhance their resource availability. Here we examined the pairwise inh ...
个人分类: 微生物生态|570 次阅读|没有评论
2016 EM 共存有利于复杂微生物群落中种间生物膜的形成
2024-8-29 14:54
原文链接: Coexistence facilitates interspecific biofilm formation in complex microbial communities - Madsen - 2016 - Environmental Microbiology - Wiley Online Library Summary Social interactions in which bacteria respond to one another by modifying their phenotype are central determinant ...
个人分类: 微生物生态|453 次阅读|没有评论
2022 ASE 丰富性和拮抗作用共同影响合成微生物群的植物促生作用
2024-8-8 15:15
原文链接: Richness and antagonistic effects co-affect plant growth promotion by synthetic microbial consortia - ScienceDirect Highlights •Increasing microbial community richness had a positive effect on plant growth. • Increasing antagonism intensity had a clear passive effec ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|892 次阅读|没有评论
2023 FM 三物种合成群落模型,其对拮抗的快速反应可在几分钟内研究高阶动态和涌现特性
2024-8-8 14:35
原文链接: Frontiers | A three-species synthetic community model whose rapid response to antagonism allows the study of higher-order dynamics and emergent properties in minutes ( Microbial communities can be considered complex adaptive systems. Understanding how these system ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|882 次阅读|没有评论
2019 ISME 阿特拉津污染土壤微生物群落建模促进生物刺激解决方案的开发
2024-7-4 10:42
原文链接: Modeling microbial communities from atrazine contaminated soils promotes the development of biostimulation solutions | The ISME Journal ( Abstract Microbial communities play a vital role in biogeochemical cycles, allowing the biodegradation of a wide range of pollutants. ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|774 次阅读|没有评论

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