来自IUGG( International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics )网站的消息: 第二十四次国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会全会7月2日13日,将在在意大利 召开的Perugia召开。 (中国测绘界将派代表参加此次全会。我过1977年开始参加此会) 该联合会的分会如下(其中 International Association O ...
In compare witn the PC Internet,handheld Internet is at least engaged in two shortages. one is the size of cell-phone's screen;they can't display stand Web pages.It should be to reformat Web pages on the fly,so that they fit the device. The other major hurdle to be overcome is the c ...
Science 5 January 2007 这是物理或者地球物理以及大地测量学方面的一篇文章,介绍了基于原子干涉原理的重力梯度仪 测定牛顿引力常数G的结果.梯度测量中利用了激光冷却铯原子. 文章摘要和来自美国和加拿大的作者情况如下: Atom Interferometer Measurement of the Newtonian Constant of Gravit ...
这四个Gravity Field分别是: EIGEN-CHAMP03S: CHAMP-only Earth Gravity Field Model derived from 33 months of CHAMP data EIGEN-3p: CHAMP-only Earth Gravity Field Model derived from three years of CHAMP data EIGEN-2: CHAMP-only Earth Gravity Field Model derived f ...