
Say it again
籍利平 2020-8-31 11:05
sayitagain by JI Liping (2008-02-08 15:00:39......2020-08-31) You do ,please Say it again I like to listen To listen the three words Thatpour the thirst Heart of mine You do repeat, Repeat that words Whichcrash on my tiding ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|2241 次阅读|没有评论
passed the test last saturday
籍利平 2010-3-24 12:44
i met a middle-age man. he said that he had passed the test of English . 3 hours. 40m of writing an assay, which he like to do . it deals with such item why do persons may make diffenrenc dicions When they face the same situation. He said he like study ,but not test.
个人分类: 英文训练场|3410 次阅读|没有评论
籍利平 2009-3-17 21:51
40 秒口头英语作文 朗读:博主; 格式: *wav. 文本字数:54。 I entered university in 1982 and became a postgraduate student in 2002 and in 2009 I was enrolled in a doctorate program. First, I devoted mysel ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|6727 次阅读|没有评论
籍利平 2008-2-23 19:57
改        错 以下是一个学生的课堂笔记片断. 老师在黑板上写了句子,要求学生改错 Holding her in his arms, the moon hid behind the clouds 学生 A 的结果: As ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|4530 次阅读|没有评论
籍利平 2008-1-26 21:02
的确,比用母语难多了. 可以用1个小时轻松地写1000个汉字,但是写100个英文字都不轻松. 我为自己设定了半个小时写200个字的英文写作目标,仍然没有实现. 总是忍不住,想去查字典.可是,考试是不允许使用字典的. &nbs ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|5139 次阅读|1 个评论
Someone's watching over me( by Hilary Duff)
籍利平 2008-1-13 06:50
Someone's watching over me by Hilary Duff Found myself today Oh I found myself and ran away Something pulled me back The voice of reason I forgot I had All I know is you're not here to say What you always used to say But it's written in the sky tonight So ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|6738 次阅读|1 个评论
B What U Wanna B(by Darin Zanyar)
籍利平 2008-1-13 06:32
Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer Why not president, be a dreamer You can be just the one you wanna be Police man, fire fighter or a post man Why not something like your old man You can be just the one you wanna be Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer Why not president, be a dreamer You can be just ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|11379 次阅读|没有评论
Yinghuo-1’s 350m km or 11months trip(中英文对照)
籍利平 2008-1-8 21:05
A senior scientist told China daily last December that Chinaa first Mars probe would be lauched atop a Russian lauch vehicle next October.(m=million) Chen Cchangya,a reseacher devoted in shanghai institute of satelllite Engineering,said Yinghuo-1 should travel 350m km in 11mon ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|4540 次阅读|没有评论
An artist's death(photo)
籍利平 2007-7-9 14:19
Public attention is focused on an artist's death.his name is Yao-wen Hou (in chinnese:侯耀文). Hou ,59 ,died at north Beijing's Chang-ping district. It is reported that more than 10,000 persons had been Ba-bao mountain to see him off.He began his cross talking at 12,in1960. I l ...
个人分类: 英文训练场|4373 次阅读|没有评论

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