
声明:网络宣传本人目前负责Facebook, 科学网,和天涯
热度 1 欧阳黎 2016-6-14 23:41
本人负责以下网址、账户的宣传活动 Facebook: Facebook Page: Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice Website: https://www.facebook.com/help.li.fight.for.justice/ 科学网 博客:sunlight808 Website: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/sunlight808 天涯: 账户:sunlight808 Webs ...
2843 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 3 欧阳黎 2016-6-9 08:01
前几天刚刚在俄亥俄大学的一个微信群发现了一些问题,个别几个中国学生似乎在串联起哄、人身攻击,好言相劝也不听。。。一会儿发红包,一会儿挑唆,一会儿谩骂,丝毫不顾及任何有关本人被家暴、被刑事犯罪种种客观事实。。。 针对挑衅,本人一直理性应对,完全用事实讲话:他们一会儿嘲笑没人关注我的facebook page, ...
3404 次阅读|6 个评论 热度 3
Facebook Page 5月30日家暴新帖和照片
热度 1 欧阳黎 2016-5-31 08:43
中文翻译 Facebook Page: Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice Website: https://www.facebook.com/help.li.fight.for.justice/ Athens市警察局一直就欧阳黎家暴情况拒绝报告调查,认为蓄意施加饥饿成立的条件为非法监禁。如何定义蓄意施加饥饿?对于成年 ...
5018 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
"Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice" Donation
欧阳黎 2016-5-20 23:59
Facebook Page: Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice Website: https://www.facebook.com/help.li.fight.for.justice/ Notice: Fundraising Campaign for Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice starts globally. Supporters, donors, and philanthropists, whether my university alumni o ...
5403 次阅读|没有评论
May 13 Fundraising campaign starts now
欧阳黎 2016-5-14 06:10
Fundraising Campaign starts now: Supporters, donors, and philanthropists, whether you are my university alumni or not, can choose any of the following ways to help with my lawsuit relevant expenses that involve the private attorney fees in the practice areas of civil rights, personal injury, family ...
2179 次阅读|没有评论
欧阳黎 2016-5-9 21:56
大家好,刚刚给班里的同学们发了一条短信,需要大家帮着打听一下国内校友爱心人士捐款的具体手续问题。 上周得到消息,需要得到当地民政局报批。可是,几次打电话办事人员要么外出,要么开会。。。上周五告诉我这周联系,五月九日中午(美国五月八日半夜)被告知办事人员外出。。。因为时差原因,而且又住在教会的shel ...
2330 次阅读|没有评论
May 2 Facebook Post Update
欧阳黎 2016-5-3 09:08
I have just met the Timothy House staff, Zack, Waylon, and Fran. Good news is that I can stay in Timothy House at least for a few months. But in the meanwhile, I was told that I need to figure out this week a specific date on which to move out and let them know the date next Monday. Can ev ...
1650 次阅读|没有评论

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