sunlight808的个人博客分享 Tomorrow is another day...


April 28 Facebook Post
2016-4-29 09:20
Thank all of you, most of whom I have never seen in life, for your unselfish support, love, care, and help. With music as a language across political parties, races, countries, and cultures, I am offering a piece of Chinese music to express my gratitude to all of you. Wish all youngsters have a ...
1703 次阅读|没有评论
April 25 2016 Facebook Post
热度 1 2016-4-26 09:03
Emergency: Thanks to so many people who really care about justice, fairness, and equality, my case has aroused increasing attention on this land of American Dream since it was published around half a month ago. I appreciate all the support, love, and help from each one of you. Some emergent situati ...
2107 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
April 22 Facebook Post 更新
2016-4-23 09:45
Acknowledgment Thank everyone so much for visiting my page, showing interest in my page, offering suggestions, liking my pages/ posts, and sharing my page with your friends. I have been so moved by the love and care from all of you. With the understanding and help from each one of you, I no ...
1713 次阅读|没有评论
4月19日 facebook post 更新:
热度 1 2016-4-20 09:32
One patrol, one tragedy, and two social victims... Akai Gurley has died at a young age, leaving his two-year-old daughter and the world forever… Peter Liang has become a criminal, losing his dreamed-of job and facing a five-year probation and 800 hours’ community service… There is n ...
1761 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
4月18日Facebook Post更新
2016-4-18 23:09
Unheard Voices: Domestic Violence in the Asian American Community: The comparison between Peter Liang’s case and Li Ouyang’s case clearly illuminates what a domestic violence battered woman faces in Asi ...
1937 次阅读|没有评论
2016-4-18 02:18
十分感谢各位老师、同事、朋友、和许许多多不相识的人们的关心,facebook周五就已经恢复正常。facebook多年前就已经注册,但以前不太用,最近基本上天天登陆,才渐渐发现facebook各项功能确实强大。。。 从小学、中学、大学、研究生,到大学老师,再到加拿大硕士、美国博士,基本上没有走出过学校,接触的环境相对比较 ...
1859 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2016-4-16 00:18
请大家相互转告,本人没有跟任何个人打过电话讨论捐款事宜,也没有委托任何人代表本人进行任何活动。。。昨天有人看到水军出现在文学城,各种伎俩已经见怪不怪。。。 有点无奈,象牙塔呆得太久了,坏人见识一下,自然就有免疫力了。。。最近有点忙,如果没有回复微信或电话,望见谅。。。目前正在筹备的校友爱心人士捐 ...
2689 次阅读|没有评论 热度 1
April 15 2016 Facebook post
2016-4-15 23:59
My Facebook page stopped working properly from April 10 to April 13. It resumed functioning on April 14 after the issue that caused the problem was resolved. Facebook has just told me that another issue has occurred after a few hours' proper functioning on April 14 afternoon, so ple ...
1609 次阅读|没有评论

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