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Quantitative Spectroscopic studies
热度 1 2009-12-22 19:02
Quantitative Spectroscopic studies. Spectroscopic methods remain the most important and convenient way to establish the presence of hydrous components in minerals and to differentiate water from hydroxide ions. They are sensitive, rapidly applied, and convenient to conduct, but are not intrinsic ...
个人分类: 上善若水|3693 次阅读|没有评论 热度 1
The hydrous component in nominally "anhydrous" minerals
2009-12-22 18:31
Hydrogen is one of the most pervasive elements in the crust and upper mantle of our planet. It is a mobile, reactive component which can cause major changes in the chemical, physical, rheological, and electronic properties of the host phase. Much of the effort of our group is directed at investigat ...
个人分类: 上善若水|4471 次阅读|没有评论

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