
花 和 鸭
李世春 2024-6-28 12:26
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|782 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (31): EN[2]
李世春 2024-6-24 12:51
EN indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to EN as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, EN can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|825 次阅读|没有评论
李世春 2024-6-21 13:08
这花的英文名叫 Dogwood 这花开在河边的角落,没有人打点,因此,这花也是自由意志,形同浮云 大花山茱萸 Dogwood 花,那些吸引目光的不是美麗的白色或紅色的「花」,那只是苞片,真正的花藏於苞片的繖形花序中(小黑点)
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1652 次阅读|没有评论
The Megaminx = Ih point group (30/120)
李世春 2024-5-31 12:19
I found 120 algorithms for the Megaminx based on the Ih point group. In turn, these 120 algorithms can represent the Ih point group. For example, if B1W3B1A1B4W4B4W1B1A4B4W4B1W3B4 represents e, then C1W3C1B1C4W4C4W1C1B4C4W4C1W3C4 represents W . Therefore, there are 1 ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|927 次阅读|没有评论
香蒲 人家: 男才 女貌
李世春 2024-5-27 11:12
这位是男的,天生我材(帽子)必有用,左右两顶鸟才帽子,扛在肩膀上,歌喉一展,响彻宇宙内外 这位是女的,贤惠端庄,回头一笑百媚生,俺路过他们家门口,两口子都出来了
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1085 次阅读|没有评论
只敲打不啄孔的 啄木鸟
李世春 2024-5-22 12:27
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1155 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (30): AN[2]
李世春 2024-5-20 12:34
AN indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to AN as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, AN can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|912 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (29): AF[2]
李世春 2024-5-12 12:44
AF indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to AF as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, AF can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|868 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (28): BF[2]
李世春 2024-4-28 03:34
BF indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to BF as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, BF can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|925 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (27): BG[2]
李世春 2024-4-15 10:05
BG indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to BG as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, BG can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1131 次阅读|没有评论

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