
热度 1 诸平 2024-2-11 20:21
物理学家捕捉到了热在超流体中“晃动”的第一个声音,揭示了热是如何像波一样运动的 诸平 Fig. 1 Credit: CC0 Public Domain Fig. 2 For the first time, MIT physicists have captured direct images of “second sound,” the movement of heat sloshing back and forth within a superfluid. Th ...
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诸平 2024-2-9 14:26
交错磁体 : 磁学和热学的新篇章 诸平 Crystal thermal transport in altermagnets. The left part, which includes the balls, arrows, and spin density isosurfaces, represents a typical altermagnet. When a temperature gradient field is applied, charge and thermal currents are induced in a pe ...
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诸平 2024-2-7 18:48
探索半导体莫尔超晶格中电子相互作用所产生的新物理学 诸平 Moiré atoms and Wigner molecule ( a ) Schematic of moiré superlattice and ( b ) corresponding moiré potential at ϕ = 10°. Its minima, moiré atoms, form a triangular lattice. (c ) Evolution of each of the high- and low- ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-2-6 18:47
基因编辑为遗传性疾病患者带来了希望 诸平 据新西兰奥克兰大学( University of Auckland ) 2024 年 2 月 2 日提供的消息,一组患有严重遗传疾病的新西兰( New Zealand )患者在接受一次基因编辑治疗后,已经停止了药物治疗。据首席研究人员称,一组患有遗传性疾病的患者通过一种突破性的基因编辑疗法 ...
个人分类: 新观察|3077 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-2-5 17:12
SERS和黄金:揭开芳香密码 诸平 Fig. 1 A breakthrough in detecting aromatic molecules on gold surfaces has been achieved through Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, offering new insights into molecular interactions and detection methods. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 The pape ...
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诸平 2024-2-4 14:36
物理学家研制出高度坚固的时间晶体 诸平 What looks like a flame is the measurement of the new time crystal: Each point corresponds to an experimental value, resulting in different views of the periodic dynamics of the nuclear spin polarization of the time crystal. Credit: Alex Greilich/T ...
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诸平 2024-2-3 19:49
科学家发现了一个惊人的技巧,可以扩大肉毒杆菌毒素的可能性 诸平 Researchers at PSI have developed antibody-like proteins that enhance the effect of botulinum toxin A 1 (Botox), potentially enabling faster relief in medical therapies. The study reveals that these proteins, called DARPins ...
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诸平 2024-2-1 14:08
消除耐药性 诸平 据德国波恩大学( University of Bonn ) 2024 年 1 月 30 日提供的消息 ( Elimination of drug resistance ) ,波恩的研究人员发现,来自脂肪组织前体 (fatty tissue precursors) 的蛋白质是治疗失败的原因,并制定了解决策略。 尿路上皮癌( Urothelial carcinomas )是一 ...
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诸平 2024-1-31 20:09
线粒体DNA突变的癌症免疫治疗效果提高2.5倍 诸平 Scientists have discovered that mutations in mitochondrial DNA can predict a patient’s response to immunotherapy, potentially leading to more personalized and effective cancer treatments. Credit: SciTechDaily.com 据英国癌症研究院( C ...
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诸平 2024-1-31 09:17
洗衣粉中使用的一种酶可以在 24 小时内回收一次性塑料 诸平 Fig. 1 Credit: Graphical abstract. Cell Reports Physical Science(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2024.101783 Fig. 2 Biocatalysis of post-consumer poly(lactic acid) using chemically modified lipase B from ...
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