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已有 2289 次阅读 2022-12-19 20:22 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Human cells expressing inflammatory cytokines (stained green). Credit: Professor Martin Laboratory; Trinity College Dublin

据爱尔兰都柏林三一学院(Trinity College Dublin, Ireland20221216日报道,免疫惊喜:最近进化的警报分子驱动炎症(Immune surprise: Recently evolved alarm molecule drives inflammation)。

都柏林三一学院、爱尔兰都柏林国立儿童研究中心(National Children’s Research Centre, CHI-Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland)以及斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那约瑟夫·斯特凡研究所(Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)的研究人员合作,在理解炎症是如何调节方面取得了重大突破。他们刚刚发现,一种以前被认为可以抑制免疫反应的关键免疫警报蛋白(immune alarm protein)实际上起到了相反的作用。相关研究结果于20221216日已经在《科学免疫学》(Science Immunology)杂志网站发表——Graeme P. SullivanPavel DavidovichNatalia Muñoz-WolfRoss W. WardYasmina E. Hernandez SantanaDanielle M. ClancyAoife GormanZaneta NajdaBoris TurkPatrick T. WalshEd C. Lavelle, Seamus J. Martin. Myeloid cell–derived proteases produce a proinflammatory form of IL-37 that signals via IL-36 receptor engagement, Science Immunology, 16 Dec 2022, 7(78). DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.ade5728. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade5728


虽然我们的免疫系统发挥着保护我们免受感染和伤害的重要功能,但当免疫反应变得过于激进时,就会导致破坏性炎症,这种炎症会发生在类风湿性关节炎和牛皮癣等疾病中。当我们的身体产生“警报蛋白”—白细胞介素("alarm proteins", interleukins)时,炎症就会被触发,白细胞介素通过激活免疫系统的不同成分来增强我们对感染和伤害的防御能力。


都柏林三一学院斯穆菲特遗传学研究所(Smurfit Institute of Genetics at Trinity College Dublin)的科学家们,由斯穆菲特遗传学教授谢默斯•马丁(Seamus Martin)领导,他们发现白细胞介素-37Interleukin-37)具有意想不到的免疫激活分子的功能,因为之前的研究表明这种白细胞介素(interleukin)作为免疫系统的“关闭开关”("off switch")。

谢默斯•马丁教授说:“白细胞介素在调节我们的免疫系统以应对细菌和真菌感染方面发挥着关键作用。然而,白细胞介素-37长期以来一直是个谜,因为在老鼠等哺乳动物中没有发现这种物质。这给弄清免疫系统的作用带来了一个主要障碍,因为我们对人体免疫系统(immune system)的了解大多是在生物结构与我们相似的模式生物体中发现的。”

在这项新的研究之前,白介素-37被认为具有免疫抑制功能,但它究竟是如何抑制炎症的,仍存在着激烈的争论。然而,三一学院的科学家现在报告说,当白细胞介素-37以正确的方式被激活时,它表现出强大的促炎活性(pro-inflammatory activity)。




本研究得到H2020欧洲研究理事会(H2020 European Research Council: 101020534)、 劳瑞德教育集团(Laureate Education: IRCLA/2019/133)、爱尔兰科学基金会(Science Foundation Ireland: 14/IA/2622; 12/1A/1421; 19/FFP/6484)、斯洛文尼亚研究机构(Slovene Research Agency: P1-0140)、爱尔兰都柏林克拉姆林国立儿童研究中心(National Children’s Research Centre, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland: C/18/8)的资助。


Understanding 'immune SOS signal' may lead to new psoriasis therapies

IL-37, pro-inflammatory after all

Interleukin-37 (IL-37), like other members of the extended IL-1 family, contains an N-terminal pro-domain that requires proteolytic cleavage for its activity. While the full activity of IL-37 remains unknown, prior work has demonstrated that IL-37 cleaved by caspase-1 can suppress inflammatory cytokine production. Sullivan et al. show that IL-37 can also be cleaved by neutrophil elastase and cathepsin S, generating an active form that stimulates robust pro-inflammatory cytokine production in human keratinocytes. IL-37 truncated at the cathepsin S cleavage site induced a similar pro-inflammatory response in the murine peritoneal cavity and required the IL-36 receptor, identifying IL-37 as a putative IL-36R ligand. Together, these results show that, when cleaved at specific sites, IL-37 can also stimulate pro-inflammatory responses in line with other IL-1 family member proteins.


Interleukin-1 (IL-1) family cytokines are key barrier cytokines that are typically expressed as inactive, or partially active, precursors that require proteolysis within their amino termini for activation. IL-37 is an enigmatic member of the IL-1 family that has been proposed to be activated by caspase-1 and to exert anti-inflammatory activity through engagement of the IL-18R and SIGIRR. However, here we show that the longest IL-37 isoform, IL-37b, exhibits robust proinflammatory activity upon amino-terminal proteolysis by neutrophil elastase or cathepsin S. In sharp contrast, caspase-1 failed to process or activate IL-37 at concentrations that robustly activated its canonical substrate, IL-1β. IL-37 and IL-36 exhibit high structural homology, and, consistent with this, a K53-truncated form of IL-37, mimicking the cathepsin S–processed form of this cytokine, was found to exert its proinflammatory effects via IL-36 receptor engagement and produced an inflammatory signature practically identical to IL-36. Administration of K53-truncated IL-37b intraperitoneally into wild-type mice also elicited an inflammatory response that was attenuated in IL-36R−/−animals. These data demonstrate that, in common with other IL-1 family members, mature IL-37 can also elicit proinflammatory effects upon processing by specific proteases.


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