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本科生参与量子子系统新理论的创建 精选

已有 9372 次阅读 2022-7-29 16:29 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事



据美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College2022726日提供的消息,科学家给出量子子系统的新理论(A new theory of quantum subsystems)。在研究复杂系统时,科学家们识别出他们能够理解的称为子系统(subsystems)的较小部分。通过研究子系统及其相互关系,他们重建了对整体的理解。


在描述爱因斯坦广义相对论(general relativity)的场景时,这一点是不够的,在广义相对论中,时间是相对的,并且与空间紧密交织成一个四维时空(four-dimensional spacetime)。

现在,物理学助理教授亚历山大·史密斯(Alexander Smith)和沙迪·阿里·艾哈迈德Shadi Ali Ahmad)合著的一项理论研究提出了一种新的框架,用于以与广义相对论兼容的方式识别子系统和相关性。

亚历山大·史密斯说,他们的工作可以应用于构建时空的量子描述。长期以来,理论物理学家一直致力于将量子力学和广义相对论结合成量子引力的统一理论(unified theory of quantum gravity)。在过去20年中,试图最终调和这些描述宇宙的根本不同的理论的努力一直在取得进展。

这一新框架于2022427日发表在《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)杂志网站——Shadi Ali Ahmad, Thomas D. Galley, Philipp A. Höhn, Maximilian P. E. Lock, Alexander R. H. Smith. Quantum Relativity of Subsystems. Physical Review Letters, 2022, 128(17): 170401. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401. Published 27 April 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401

参与此项研究的除了来自美国达特茅斯学院的研究人员(此文第一作者Shadi Ali Ahmad是达特茅斯学院的一位本科生)之外,还有来自美国圣安塞尔姆学院(Saint Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire 03102, USA)、加拿大圆周理论物理研究所(Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)、日本冲绳科技研究生院(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan)、英国伦敦大学学院(University College London, United Kingdom)、奥地利维也纳技术大学(Technische Universität Wien, Austria)以及奥地利科学院(Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria)的研究人员。

此项研究成果是建立在詹姆斯·弗兰克家族物理教授(James Frank Family Professor of Physics)洛伦扎·维奥拉(Lorenza Viola)及其合作者之前关于子系统的研究基础上。


亚历山大·史密斯、沙迪·阿里·艾哈迈德和他们的合作者,运用这一思想建立了一个识别子系统的框架,这与相对论(relativity theory)是一致的,并发现子系统的概念不再是客观的。


推动人们对量子引力新认识的几个理论概念起源于量子信息论(quantum information theory),这是一个相对较新的领域,研究如何分析和操纵量子系统中的信息。亚历山大·史密斯说:“量子信息科学给了我们思考量子力学本身(quantum mechanics itself)的全新方式。”

沙迪·阿里·艾哈迈德来自黎巴嫩贝鲁特(Beirut, Lebanon),主修物理和数学,他与亚历山大·史密斯和其他研究人员合作,利用量子信息理论研究了许多不同的理论问题。

之前发表在《物理评论D》(Physical Review D)上的研究——Qidong Xu, Shadi Ali Ahmad, Alexander R. H. Smith. Gravitational waves affect vacuum entanglement. Physical Review D, 2020, 102(6): 065019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.065019. Published 28 September 2020. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.102.065019,在其中,他们首次研究了当大质量天体速度达到极限时,引力波如何在时空中产生涟漪,从而影响系统之间的纠缠。

另一篇发表在《物理评论A》(Physical Review A)上的论文——Shadi Ali Ahmad, Alexander R. H. Smith. Finite-resolution ancilla-assisted measurements of quantum work distributions. Physical Review A, 2022, 105(5): 052411. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052411. Published 6 May 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052411.此文解决了如何在量子尺度上定义力作用于物体时能量传递的度量的问题。


沙迪·阿里·艾哈迈德获得了2022年加扎尼加家庭科学奖(2022 Gazzaniga Family Science Award),该奖项表彰了一位即将毕业的理科大四学生的科学成就。他也是物理学和天文学主席奖(Physics and Astronomy Chair's Prize)的获得者。





在没有弦理论的情况下解释引力(Explaining gravity without string theory


Shadi Ali Ahmad, Thomas D. Galley, Philipp A. Höhn, Maximilian P. E. Lock, Alexander R. H. Smith. Quantum Relativity of Subsystems. Physical Review Letters, 2022, 128(17): 170401. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401. Published 27 April 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401

Abstract (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.170401)

One of the most basic notions in physics is the partitioning of a system into subsystems and the study of correlations among its parts. In this Letter, we explore this notion in the context of quantum reference frame (QRF) covariance, in which this partitioning is subject to a symmetry constraint. We demonstrate that different reference frame perspectives induce different sets of subsystem observable algebras, which leads to a gauge-invariant, frame-dependent notion of subsystems and entanglement. We further demonstrate that subalgebras which commute before imposing the symmetry constraint can translate into noncommuting algebras in a given QRF perspective aftersymmetry imposition. Such a QRF perspective does not inherit the distinction between subsystems in terms of the corresponding tensor factorizability of the kinematical Hilbert space and observable algebra. Since the condition for this to occur is contingent on the choice of QRF, the notion of subsystem locality is frame dependent.


Shadi Ali Ahmad, Alexander R. H. Smith. Finite-resolution ancilla-assisted measurements of quantum work distributions. Physical Review A, 2022, 105(5): 052411. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052411. Published 6 May 2022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052411

Abstract DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052411)

Work is an observable quantity associated with a process; however, there is no Hermitian operator associated with its measurement. We consider an ancilla-assisted protocol measuring the work done on a quantum system driven by a time-dependent Hamiltonian via two von Neumann measurements of the system's energy carried out by a measuring apparatus modeled as a free particle of finite localization and interaction time with the system. We consider system Hamiltonians which both commute and do not commute at different times, finding corrections to fluctuation relations like the Jarzynski equality and the Crooks relation. This measurement model allows us to quantify the effect that measuring has on the estimated work distribution and associated average work done on the system and average heat exchanged with the measuring apparatus.


Qidong Xu, Shadi Ali Ahmad, Alexander R. H. Smith. Gravitational waves affect vacuum entanglement. Physical Review D, 2020, 102(6): 065019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.065019. Published 28 September 2020. https://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.102.065019

Abstract (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.065019)

The entanglement harvesting protocol is an operational way to probe vacuum entanglement. This protocol relies on two atoms, modelled by Unruh-DeWitt detectors, that are initially unentangled. These atoms then interact locally with the field and become entangled. If the atoms remain spacelike separated, any entanglement between them is a result of entanglement that is “harvested” from the field. Thus, quantifying this entanglement serves as a proxy for how entangled the field is across the regions in which the atoms interacted. Using this protocol, it is demonstrated that while the transition probability of an individual inertial atom is unaffected by the presence of a gravitational wave, the entanglement harvested by two atoms depends sensitively on the frequency of the gravitational wave, exhibiting novel resonance effects when the energy gap of the detectors is tuned to the frequency of the gravitational wave. This suggests that the entanglement signature left by a gravitational wave may be useful in characterizing its properties, and potentially useful in exploring the gravitational-wave memory effect and gravitational-wave induced decoherence.


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