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已有 15421 次阅读 2021-1-10 21:44 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察





Fluorine atoms (illustrated in green) squeeze a hydrogen atom (orange) between them, when dissolved in water (red and silver). Researchers used infrared laser light (red lines) to study the chemical bond that formed (branching blue lines), which acts like a hybrid between a hydrogen bond and a covalent bond. DESIGNED BY ELLA MARU STUDIO 

艾米莉·康诺弗Emily Conover202117日在《科学新闻》(Science News)网站发布的消息,当氟原子(上图中绿色)溶于水(红色和银色)时,它们之间的氢原子(橙色)会受到挤压。研究人员使用红外激光研究形成的化学键(分支蓝线),其作用类似于氢键和共价键之间的杂化(详见上图所示)。这种奇怪的化学键的作用就像氢键和共价键的混搭,被氟夹在中间的氢原子表现出化学上的怪癖。

世界各地的化学专业学生都熟悉共价键和氢键。现在的一项研究揭示了一种奇怪的结合,就像两者的混合体一样。化学家发表在202118日的《科学》(Science)杂志上报告说,其性质引发了有关如何定义化学键的(how chemical bonds are defined)疑问。详见

Bogdan Dereka, Qi Yu, Nicholas H. C. Lewis, William B. Carpenter, Joel M. Bowman, Andrei Tokmakoff. Crossover from hydrogen to chemical bonding. Science  08 Jan 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6525, pp. 160-164.DOI: 10.1126/science.abe1951

Mischa Bonn, Johannes Hunger. Between a hydrogen and a covalent bond. Science  08 Jan 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6525, pp. 123-124. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3543


芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)的化学家安德烈·托克马科夫(Andrei Tokmakoff)说:我们对化学键的理解以及我们对它的教导方式非常清楚,黑白分明。但是,这项新研究表明实际上化学键本身就是一种连续统一体(continuum)。”即既不同于共价键也不同于氢键的杂化键。


研究人员使用红外光使二氟离子振动,并测量氢原子的响应,揭示了氢原子振动的一系列能级。对于典型的氢键,这些能级之间的间距会随着原子进一步爬上高能级而减小。但是,研究人员发现间距增加了。该行为表明氢原子在两个氟原子之间均等地共享(F—H—F),而不是通过共价键与一个氟原子紧密结合,而通过典型的氢键更松散地与另一个氟原子结合(F—H.....F)。在这种安排中,共价键和氢键之间的差异被消除,不再有意义,研究合著者,也是芝加哥大学化学家的博格丹·德雷卡(Bogdan Dereka)说。

计算机计算表明,这种行为取决于两个氟原子之间的距离。当氟原子彼此靠近时,它们之间的氢被挤压,正常的氢键变得更强,直到所有三个原子开始以共价键的形式共享电子,形成了一个单链,研究人员称之为氢介导的化学键(hydrogen-mediated chemical bond)。对于距离较远的氟原子,仍然适用具有不同共价键和氢键的常规描述。

研究人员得出结论,氢介导的化学键不能被描述为纯氢键或纯共价键。这真是两者的混合体,德国美因茨马普高分子研究所(Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany)的化学家米莎·波恩(Mischa Bonn)说。米莎·波恩作为一名合作者,也有一篇相关研究在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Mischa Bonn, Johannes Hunger. Between a hydrogen and a covalent bond. Science  08 Jan 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6525, pp. 123-124.DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3543

氢键存在于多种物质中,最著名的是在水中。没有氢键,室温下的水将是气体而不是液体。尽管水中的大多数氢键都很弱,但在含有过量氢离子的水中却可以形成类似于二氟离子中的强氢键。两个水分子可以将氢离子夹在中间,形成所谓的曾德尔离子(Zundel ion),其中两个水分子之间均等地共享氢离子。德国柏林的马克斯·玻恩非线性光学和短脉冲光谱学研究所的化学家埃里克·尼博林(Erik Nibbering)说,一切都很好。新的研究结果顺应了曾德尔离子的行为。埃里克·尼博林等人,2017年也曾经在《科学》(Science杂志上发表过有关曾德尔离子的研究——Fabian Dahms, Benjamin P. Fingerhut, Erik T. J. Nibbering, Ehud Pines, Thomas Elsaesser. Large-amplitude transfer motion of hydrated excess protons mapped by ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy. Science  04 Aug 2017: Vol. 357, Issue 6350, pp. 491-495. DOI: 10.1126/science.aan5144.


对化学键的新发现也引发了关于什么才是分子的问题。通过共价键连接的原子被视为单个分子的一部分,而通过氢键连接的原子可以保留为单独的实体。因此,两者之间处于边缘状态的问题提出了一个问题:什么时候从两个分子变成一个分子?” 安德烈·托克马科夫说。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。


The concept of a molecule as a unit of bound atoms can be traced to Robert Boyle's 1661 treatise “The Sceptical Chymist” (1). Chemists often depict the strong covalent bonds in molecules formed through electronic interactions of atoms by sticks or springs. By contrast, much weaker attractive forces between molecules in liquids and solids, such as van der Waals forces, are typically unspecific and nondirectional and cannot be represented by sticks or springs. An exception is the hydrogen bond (H-bond) (2), which can create relatively strong directional interactions between molecules when the atoms that carry opposite partial charges attract each other. Discrimination between very strong H-bonds and covalent bonds can become somewhat arbitrary. On page 160 of this issue, Dereka et al. (3) study what happens if the strength of an intramolecular hydrogen bond becomes comparable to the strength of the intermolecular covalent bonds, blurring the concept of what a “molecule” is.



The concept of a molecule as a unit of bound atoms can be traced to Robert Boyle's 1661 treatise “The Sceptical Chymist” (1). Chemists often depict the strong covalent bonds in molecules formed through electronic interactions of atoms by sticks or springs. By contrast, much weaker attractive forces between molecules in liquids and solids, such as van der Waals forces, are typically unspecific and nondirectional and cannot be represented by sticks or springs. An exception is the hydrogen bond (H-bond) (2), which can create relatively strong directional interactions between molecules when the atoms that carry opposite partial charges attract each other. Discrimination between very strong H-bonds and covalent bonds can become somewhat arbitrary. On page 160 of this issue, Dereka et al. (3) study what happens if the strength of an intramolecular hydrogen bond becomes comparable to the strength of the intermolecular covalent bonds, blurring the concept of what a “molecule” is.



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