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Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 5. How to create e-alert to trace t
2008-11-20 23:19
As time flies, the cycling period that science and technology refreshes is becoming shorter and shorter, as poses a critical challenge to all researchers. Under the atmosphere of competing for innovation, a research group must trace the frontier of its research field in order to keep its lev ...
个人分类: 科研之路|4137 次阅读|没有评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 4. Save our retrieval history in IS
2008-11-19 22:34
As the saying goes, history is a mirror. Literature retrieval history itself reflects our studying procedure. If we take notice to save our literature retrieval history, at least the repeated retrieval could be avoided to the greatest extent. In my opinion, culturing our habits to sav ...
个人分类: 科研之路|3906 次阅读|没有评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 3. How to quickly find required lit
2008-11-18 22:57
Sometimes we need to pick a required literature record from our created library in Endnote platform, but we cannot find it quickly, due possible to too many literature records in our library. Of course, we have no time to browse one by one, because it wastes us a lot of time. Ho ...
个人分类: 科研之路|3970 次阅读|1 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 2. How to search literature publish
2008-11-17 23:33
In our retrieving practice, we often need to search the literature published by some well-known scientist in our orientation. This is very important, because those sci-giants have done much wonderful work, having paved a road for our sequential, advanced study. Therefore, referring those literatur ...
个人分类: 科研之路|4569 次阅读|没有评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature
2008-11-16 19:39
SomeTipsforSci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips ...
个人分类: 科研之路|3682 次阅读|没有评论
2008-11-14 20:22
摘自: http://www.5xue.com/modules/wordpress/?p=1631 作者: 陆晓娅 出版第三 ...
个人分类: 人生感悟|4315 次阅读|没有评论
2008-11-14 20:14
摘自:http://www.5xue.com/modules/wordpress/?p=1617 我学网 作者: 陆晓娅 也许每个人在自己的一生中,都应该投点资在 ...
个人分类: 人生感悟|3207 次阅读|没有评论
Selection and Responsibility Make Happiness
2008-11-10 13:40
Happiness is more important than success. Why don't we choose a happier life to live? Due to less money, time, and energy, or business and puzzlement? When we decide to seek reasons, tens of thousands are not enough. &nb ...
个人分类: 人生感悟|3859 次阅读|1 个评论
2008-11-9 23:10
前几天没有更新日志,在忙着做实验;这几天没有更新日志,在忙着生病。登陆后看到队长的鼓励,生了几分羞愧,决定好好写博客,认真参赛、 从广西采样回来就没有消停过,每天像关爱自己的孩子的似的呵护那些采回来的幼苗,还要忙着做土壤样为土培那些可爱的苗苗做准备 ...
个人分类: 科研之路|2780 次阅读|没有评论

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