何毓琦的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/何毓琦 哈佛(1961-2001) 清华(2001-date)



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IP: 27.19.159.*   [177]NTSQZ   2015-1-11 16:13
happy new year !
我的回复(2015-1-11 21:53):Thank you.
IP: 180.166.28.*   [176]zhangfeng123   2014-12-30 10:34
happy new year .
我的回复(2014-12-30 10:59):Thank you. You too.
IP: 202.118.75.*   [175]krasovskiif1989   2014-12-28 16:13
Hi, dear professor He, it's my honor  to communicate with you. I am a PHD on Control theory and focuses on stability analysis for networked control systems and hybrid systems currently. But now most of my research is just following other's research and hard to generate an impact in my research field. I feel bad about this. You are a famous scientist. Would you please give me some instructions and advises on how to creat an impact in my research fields?
    Best regards!
IP: 61.189.48.*   [174]张士伟   2014-12-25 07:39
Professor Ho, Merry Christmas Eve!
我的回复(2014-12-25 10:17):You too.
IP: 71.232.21.*   [173]邵鹏   2014-12-14 13:00
Hi Prof. Ho, my email is pshao1@mgh.harvard.edu, I have also sent an email to you.
IP: 132.183.13.*   [172]邵鹏   2014-11-29 05:57
Hi, Dr. Ho, thanks for your message to my blog. I would LOVE to have lunch, or coffee with you. Will you be available in the next two weeks? I will be available except Thursday and Friday normally. You can also contact me by pshao1@mgh.harvard.edu
IP: 112.132.43.*   [171]shenlu   2014-10-14 21:43
我的回复(2014-10-14 22:22):Thank you for the information.
IP: 202.118.28.*   [169]David3883   2014-9-20 09:36
科学网喻海良的博客非常有名,至今仍在周排行排第5位。看了他的简历,“2011年5月~2014年5月 沈阳大学,教授”,可是,在沈阳大学所有的网页上却找不到他的名字,实在是奇怪!
喻海良在博文 “这篇文章为什么我选择在PLOSOne上发表”回复jiangjiaomei 的评论,认为浏览量甚至强于citation,对吗?
IP: 202.118.28.*   [168]David3883   2014-9-20 09:22
IP: 180.169.128.*   [167]崔映宇   2014-9-13 09:18
Dear Prof. He
After reading your blog about "graduate , learning experience and/ or report , and  review",  I agree with your points about a GOOD review to some degree. Please first define clearly the three concepts of learning report, mini-review and review , and then tell readers the similarities and differences between them here. I think once you clarifies these questions, your view points will be accepted by more and more readers.  Please, many thanks! Best!
我的回复(2014-9-13 09:29):I am not for complicating a basically simple issue with more definitions and classifications. I am not against publishing learning experience or reports per se. Read the last two sentences my articles again. The point is that science is to DISCOVER and CODIFY knowledge. Review paper is for the second purpose. Thank you for your remarks. You may post them as comments on my blog.
IP: 219.216.122.*   [166]David3883   2014-9-12 13:42
科学网喻海良的博客非常有名,经常是周排行、总排行、均排行里面都有他,至今仍在周排行中居高不下、排第5位。看了他的简历,“2011年5月~2014年5月 沈阳大学,教授”,可是,在沈阳大学所有的网页上却找不到他的名字,实在是奇怪!
我的回复(2014-9-12 21:40):????? What has to do with me and my article??????
IP: 91.126.130.*   [165]李天成   2014-9-3 05:08
Thanks I have veiwed the video on your personal website. There are two scenes I have strong feeling

When the video started, you looks youger/ stronger than what I thought (Last year when i saw one video you published on your blog because of one of you colleagues's retirement, sth like that, I remembered you are seated, but this time you are standing and you move your body 'freely'); you at least look yonger than last video.. Happy for your healthy...... (One of my gradpas, my fater's uncle, could do cycling when he was 88~~ unbelieveble! but he really can; now he is 93 no more cycling but is still very healthy)

Secondly, at the end of your video when you said 祖国,twice, i saw you were a bit shy ... ... I was highly touched by this scene!
我的回复(2014-11-14 12:34):Thank you. I just saw your message today 11/13 due to my unfamilairity with navigation on the science net. Doctor tell me that my healthy state most probably is due to lucky genes.
IP: 212.128.154.*   [164]李天成   2014-9-2 21:36
Congratulations to you , professor! Indeed happy for you and believe you deserve the award

(I saw the news from Dr. Daizhan Cheng that you have won 陈翰馥奖)
我的回复(2014-9-3 02:53):Thank you very much. you can view my acceptance speech using the URL at end of the article.
IP: 58.254.92.*   [163]曹禺   2014-6-28 20:23
   ,thank you very much,I will read your blog to broaden my eyes all the time!
IP: 218.76.28.*   [162]魏建胜   2014-6-11 20:24
Just ignore my request for "good friend", it is just some stupid instinct, nothing particularly.
我的回复(2014-6-11 21:05):No problem
IP: 180.169.129.*   [160]张云扬   2014-4-20 19:00
OK! Shaking your hand warmly.
IP: 180.169.129.*   [159]张云扬   2014-4-19 19:38
Dear Professor HE, Hello!  Best regads to you.
我的回复(2014-4-19 21:39):Thank you for your greetings.
IP: 129.49.69.*   [158]王云龙   2014-4-11 03:48
“Most of the stuff we applied mathematicians use are what pure mathematicians consider to be ancient and not worth bothering.”     Can't agree more.

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