1. Modeling Sustainability: Population, Inequality, Consumption, and Bidirectional Coupling of the Earth and Human Systems
Safa Motesharrei, Jorge Rivas, Eugenia Kalnay, Ghassem R. Asrar, Antonio J. Busalacchi, Robert F. Cahalan, Mark A. Cane, Rita R. Colwell, Kuishuang Feng, Rachel S. Franklin, Klaus Hubacek, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Takemasa Miyoshi, Matthias Ruth, Roald Sagdeev, Adel Shirmohammadi, Jagadish Shukla, Jelena Srebric, Victor M. Yakovenko and Ning Zeng
Natl Sci Rev (2016) 3 (4): 470-494.
Altmetric score: 285
2. Bidirectional coupling between the Earth and human systems is essential for modeling sustainability
Bojie Fu and Yan Li
Natl Sci Rev (2016) 3 (4): 397-398.
Altmetric score: 134
3. Exceptional preservation of soft tissue in a new specimen of Eoconfuciusornis and its biological implications
Xiaoting Zheng, Jingmai K. O'Connor, Xiaoli Wang, Yanhong Pan, Yan Wang, Min Wang and Zhonghe Zhou
Natl Sci Rev (2017) doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx004.
Altmetric score: 84
4. How functional programming mattered
Zhenjiang Hu, John Hughes and Meng Wang
Natl Sci Rev (2015) 2 (3): 349-370.
Altmetric score: 71
5. Challenges of Big Data Analysis
Jianqing Fan, Fang Han and Han Liu
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (2): 293-314.
Altmetric score: 65
6. Whereto the mega brain projects?
Mu-ming Poo
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (1): 12-14.
Altmetric score: 53
7. Ovarian follicles shed new light on dinosaur reproduction during the transition towards birds
Jingmai K. O'Connor, Xiaoting Zheng, Xiaoli Wang, Yan Wang and Zhonghe Zhou
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (1): 15-17.
Altmetric score: 52
7. Three-dimensional artificial transpiration for efficient solar waste water treatment
Xiuqiang Li, Renxing Lin, George Ni, Ning Xu, Xiaozhen Hu, Bin Zhu, Guangxin Lv, Jinlei Li, Shining Zhu and Jia Zhu
Natl Sci Rev (2017) doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx051.
Altmetric score: 52
7. Metal nanoparticles induced photocatalysis
Lequan Liu, Xinnan Zhang, Lufeng Yang, Liteng Ren, Defa Wang and Jinhua Ye
Natl Sci Rev (2017) doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx019.
Altmetric score: 52
10. The rare two-dimensional materials with Dirac cones
Jinying Wang, Shibin Deng, Zhongfan Liu and Zhirong Liu
Natl Sci Rev (2015) 2 (1): 22-39.
Altmetric score: 49
11. The acidic tumor microenvironment: a target for smart cancer nano-theranostics
Liangzhu Feng, Ziliang Dong, Danlei Tao, Yicheng Zhang and Zhuang Liu
Natl Sci Rev (2017). doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx062
Altmetric score: 47
12. Recent experimental progress of fractional quantum Hall effect: 5/2 filling state and graphene
Xi Lin, Ruirui Du and Xincheng Xie
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (4): 564-579.
Altmetric score: 46
13. Random complex networks
Michael Small, Lvlin Hou and Linjun Zhang
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (3): 357-367.
Altmetric score: 41
14. Non-coding RNAs as potent tools for crop improvement
Renyi Liu and Jian-Kang Zhu
Natl Sci Rev (2014) 1 (2): 186-189.
Altmetric score: 39
14. Safeguarding research integrity in China
Jane Qiu
Natl Sci Rev (2015) 2 (1): 122-125.
Altmetric score: 39
Altmetric Score介绍
“Altmetric Score”是量化单篇学术论文在媒体上的曝光水平的新指标。Altmetric是一个由alternative(替代)和metric(计量学)组成的新词,意为“替代计量学”。这里的“替代”并不指真正的取而代之,确切说是对传统方法补充。Altmetric.com专门强调,他们的目的并非评价论文的学术质量,而是反映科学研究触及大众的广度与深度。
一篇论文的“Altmetric Score”,由这篇文章被新闻、博客报道的次数,被社交网络曝光的次数,在维基百科上的被引次数,以及论文发表后的同行评议次数等指标加权得到,其中计分权重最大的媒体渠道,是新闻与博客。
“Altmetric Score”的显示方式:不同颜色的“花瓣”包裹着的数字是该研究的Altmetric分数。不同颜色代表传播该研究的不同媒体渠道,如下图所示:
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