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[转载]RESEARCH: 催化剂层介孔形貌对PEM燃料电池冷启动过程的影响
2021-6-30 16:24
Effect of catalyst layer mesoscopic pore-morphology on cold start process of PEM fuel cells Ahmed Mohmed DAFALLA 1 , Fangming JIANG 2 作者单位: 1 . Laboratory of Advanced Energy Systems, Guangdong Key Laboratory of New and Renewable Energy Research and Development, CAS Key ...
1978 次阅读|没有评论
2021-6-30 16:07
Enhanced photocatalytic water splitting with surface defective SrTiO ₃ nanocrystals Junying LIU 1 , Zhidong WEI 2 , Wenfeng SHANGGUAN 2 作者单位: 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Grindelallee 117, 20146 Hamburg, Germany 2. Research Center for Comb ...
1697 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]RESEARCH: 一种由玻璃微珠与自蒸发气冷屏组成的新型液氢贮箱复合被动绝热系统
2021-6-30 16:01
A novel cryogenic insulation system of hollow glass microspheres and self-evaporation vapor-cooled shield for liquid hydrogen storage Jianpeng ZHEN G (郑建朋) 1 , Liubiao CHE N (陈六彪) 2 ( ), Ping WAN G( 王平 ) 3 , Jingjie ZHAN G ( 张敬杰 ) 3 , Junjie W ...
1235 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]Review: 水合物法海水淡化技术的研究进展与未来展望
2021-6-30 15:58
Progress and prospect of hydrate-based desalination technology Jibao ZHANG, Shujun CHEN, Ning MAO, Tianbiao HE 作者单位 : Department of Gas Engineering, College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China 原文链接 : https: ...
1615 次阅读|没有评论
Call for Papers: “Frontiers on Carbon Neutrality”
2021-6-30 15:51
Call for Papers: “ Frontiers on Carbon Neutrality” Call for Papers Jointly by Transactions of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE): Engineering, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering (FESE), Frontiers in Energy (FIE), Frontiers of Chemical Science and Eng ...
2017 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]碳达峰与碳中和 ——中国工程院院刊联合征稿丨Engineering
2021-6-30 14:57
力争二氧化碳排放到2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和,是中国向全世界做出的郑重承诺,将对国际社会实现绿色低碳发展起到积极的促进作用,同时也会给全球将带来一场广泛而深刻的经济社会系统性变革。工程科技是人类社会进步的重要驱动力量,实现碳达峰、碳中和目标,归根到底要靠科技进步与创新。 为 ...
3292 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Energy2019-2020上线文章分类
2021-1-7 14:04
热能与动力工程 1.Simulation analysis of municipal solid waste pyrolysis and gasification based on Aspen plus http://journal.hep.com.cn/fie/EN/10.1007/s11708-017-0481- 7 2. Optimization of the power, efficiency and ecological function for ...
2292 次阅读|没有评论
2020-9-30 14:24
A space power system of free piston Stirling generator based on potassium heat pipe Front. Energy 2020, 14(1): 1–10 http://journal.hep.com.cn/fie/EN/10.1007/s11708-019-0655-6 An adsorption study of 99Tc using nanoscale zero-valent iron supported on D001 resin Front. Energy 2020, 1 ...
1888 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers in Energy影响因子上升为2.657
2020-6-30 16:30
6月29日,科睿唯安发布2019年度JCR 期刊引证报告,Frontiers in Energy影响因子为2.657,在全球112种EnergyFuelsl类期刊中位列第64位,处于JCR Q3区前列。 FIE的快速发展得益于主编和编委会的努力工作,更离不开作者和审稿专家的大力支持!我们诚挚邀请广大专家和学届同仁继续以优秀科研成果和 ...
2239 次阅读|没有评论
Research: 基于滚动优化的家庭能源管理系统分布式鲁棒优化
2020-4-11 20:54
原文信息 D istributionally robust optimization of home energy management system based on receding horizon optimization Jidong WANG, Boyu CHEN, Peng LI, Yanbo CHE 作者单位 : Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, Ch ...
2584 次阅读|没有评论

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