
Frontiers of Physics 2011年第2期
热度 2 董洪光 2011-5-9 15:51
Frontiers of Physics 2011年第2期
Frontiers of Physics, 2011, Vol. 6, No.2 www.springer.com/journal/11467 journal.hep.com.cn/fop CONTENTS Editorial 141 Research in renewable energy materia ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4303 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
Frontiers of Physics 2011年第1期(free)
董洪光 2011-1-26 17:39
Frontiers of Physics 2011年第1期(free)
Frontiers of Physics, 2011, 6(1) CONTENTS Editorial 1 Frontiers of Physics: A new starting point &n ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4856 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 被引频次较高文章
董洪光 2010-12-31 13:21
物理刊文章被引用的情况如下(表1)。2011年起,我们将在稿源国际化、审稿专家国际化和提升文章学术水准方面做更大的努力,希望期刊能上一个新台阶。祝所有作者、审稿专家和读者心怡体康、新年愉快! 表1 物理刊文章被引情况(6次) &nb ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4327 次阅读|2 个评论
Frontiers of Physics恭祝各位老师新年愉快!
董洪光 2010-12-28 15:30
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|3630 次阅读|没有评论
王恩哥院士任Frontiers of Physics主编,Haiyan Gao教授任副主编
董洪光 2010-12-21 13:10
北京大学物理学院王恩哥院士接受我刊邀请,从 2011 年起,和赵光达院士一起担任 Frontiers of Physics 主编。 ( Personal Homepage: http://icqm.pku.edu.cn/People/egwang.html Research Group Homepage: http://engewang.iphy.ac.cn/ ) 美国杜克大学物理系 Haiyan ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|5351 次阅读|没有评论
我刊更名:Frontiers of Physics
董洪光 2010-11-12 15:21
2011 年第 1 期开始, Frontiers of Physics in China 更名为 Frontiers of Physics ,将更加注重刊物的国际化,包括国际稿源、国际审稿等。 本刊现任主编是北大物理学院赵光达院士,副主编为北大物 ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4999 次阅读|3 个评论
分享:Frontiers of Physics 2010, 5(4) (SCI收录)
董洪光 2010-9-7 11:49
· Cover illustration Volume 5, Number 4 The ability to move individual atoms with the tip of a scanning microscope is a powerful first step towards building complex molecular machines at the atomic scale. For practical applications of such molecular machinery, ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4796 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics in China入选SCI(E)期刊
董洪光 2010-7-2 13:17
2010 年 6 月 29 日,美国科技信息研究所( ISI )期刊发展部 物理、化学与地学编辑部 的 Rodney Chonka 先生通过电子邮件通知 Frontiers of Physics in China 编辑部, Frontiers of Physics in China 期刊被 SCI(E)和Current Contents(Physical, C ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|6286 次阅读|10 个评论
分享:Frontiers of Physics 2010, 5(3) (SCIE收录)
董洪光 2010-6-24 12:32
Cover illustration Vol. 5, No. 3, 2010 In recent years, metamaterials has stimulated the interest of many researchers due to their many important applications, such as negative refraction, super-imaging and invisible cloak. According to the well known effective-medi ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4733 次阅读|1 个评论
分享:Frontiers of Physics 2010, 5(2) (SCIE收录)
董洪光 2010-5-10 11:38
Cover illustration Vol. 5, No. 2, 2010 The Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory was the first one that consisted of two independent rings. It was designed to operate at high luminosity over a wide range of beam energies and with particle specie ...
个人分类: Frontiers of Physics|4924 次阅读|2 个评论

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