
Frontiers of Physics 2016年第3期
董洪光 2016-7-1 16:28
Cover Inrecentyears,spin-orbitcoupledultracoldatomicgaseshavebecomeamajorfocusofresearch.Bydressingatomswithsuitablytailoredlaserlight,&nbs ...
3269 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 最新影响因子2.462
热度 1 董洪光 2016-6-14 10:58
Frontiers of Physics 最新影响因子2.462。 谢谢主编和编委的辛苦付出,谢谢所有作者、审稿专家和读者的帮助和支持! 免费下载全文:journal.hep.com.cn/fop 投稿:mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fop
6795 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Frontiers of Physics 2016年第2期
董洪光 2016-4-26 15:43
Cover Noble metallicnanostructures exhibit special optical properties resulting from the excitationof surface plasmons. Among the various metallic nanostructures, nanorods haveattracted particular attention because of their shape-dependent and highlytunable plasmonic prope ...
2903 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics:引力波探测与引力波天文学
热度 1 董洪光 2016-2-23 15:39
发一个自己刊的,跟跟形势: Frontiers of Physics 编辑曾邀请 University of Nevada / Peking University 的张冰教授和 Pennsylvania State University 的 Peter Mészáros教授组织了 专题“ High Energy Astrophysics ”,其中包括 Gabriela González, Andrea Viceré Linqing Wen 撰写的特约综 ...
2784 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Frontiers of Physics 2016年第1期
董洪光 2016-1-21 15:15
Cover The special topic on Potential Physics at a Super τ-Charm Factory provides detailed discussions on important topics in τ-charm physics that will be explored in the future at a possible super-tau-charm factory, which will operate in the 2 GeV to 7.0 GeV energy range. Both ...
2742 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2015年第6期
董洪光 2015-12-24 09:43
Cover The spin-orbit coupling is a well-known mechanism from astronomical systems to finite nuclei, and the Spin Hall Effectis a general transport phenomenon for particles with spin. The nucleon spin dynamics in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions has been investigated to extract de ...
2664 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2015年第5期
董洪光 2015-10-23 17:44
Cover As an important topic in condensed matter physics, strongly correlated system has attracted researchers close attentions for couple of decades. Especially, the investigation on the quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated systems is one of the most important topics for the ...
2644 次阅读|没有评论
Frontiers of Physics 2015年第4期
董洪光 2015-8-21 15:44
Cover Gravity is the most mysterious force. By assuming a thermodynamic originfor gravity, we can calculate the vacuum temperature field that is created bythe presence of matter. The attractive gravitational force between classicalobjects results naturally as macroscopic systems ...
个人分类: 该刊进展|3271 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 董洪光 2015-7-24 13:31
From http://paper.sciencenet.cn/htmlpaper/20157211695273936985.shtm 研究人员预言 量子波包的反引力 1666 年,历史上最著名的那个苹果正好砸中牛顿的脑门,启发了牛顿的灵感,悟出了万有引力定律,从而统一描述了地球上的引力现象和月亮围绕地球转动这样的天体运动规律。整整 250 年 ...
3675 次阅读|没有评论 热度 1
"Frontiers of Physics" got a new impact factor of 2.086
热度 2 董洪光 2015-6-19 11:15
Frontiers of Physics got a new impact factor of 2.086 Frontiers of Physics just got a new impact factor of 2.086. We greatly appreciate all authors' contribution and allreferees' efforts to carefully review the papers. Frontiers of Physics, an intern ...
4172 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2

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