
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-17 04:01
As usual I woke up late in the morning. The other day I ordered a soy milk maker at Amazon, and the good thing is that they just delivered to the place where I live. The driver was a middle-aged woman, who seemed to be an Asian. I fetched the produce from her hand and thanked her. Then I started u ...
1600 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-17 04:00
It is Saturday today. I got up very late and had my breakfast. Then I started reading the article on consolidation for memory for emotional faces. However, just about twenty minutes after the reading in bed, I felt sleepy and thus threw off the article and slept until 17:20, when I ate lunch. Then ...
1999 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-17 03:59
It is Friday today, the day for the lab seminar in 166 Young Hall. There was also a graduate seminar at the Center for Mind and Brain, but, becasue I woke up late, I was afraid that I would not be able to arrive there on there on time. Besides, though Mike told me that it was at 267 Cousteau ...
1669 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-17 03:58
This morning I decided to walk to the busstop near the Arlington Farm Apartment. I knew it is a 3-mile distance that will take me about an hour to arrive at, but I just wanted to have this adventure and to explore this area. So after breakfast, with the backpack holding the computer and some n ...
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热度 1 汪波 2015-3-15 15:29
March 11 This morning I received an email for Andy, who suggested that I meet with him to discuss some issues related with my experiment. However, feeling that I was not prepared, I replied that I wanted to think about the experiment and would send him a report via email. Thus much of my day wa ...
1668 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 3 汪波 2015-3-12 05:14
March 10 I woke up about 8:30in the morning and started to prepare breakfast. As I was thinking that therewas no need to hurry because there were after all about 2 hours left until thelab meeting, I was startled to find from the cell phone I bought the other daythat the time was 9:30! I did not ...
1759 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 3
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-12 05:14
March 9 Today my major goalwas to prepare the first report that I would make at the lab meeting onTuesday. I felt a little excited and anxious at the same time because thiswould be the first time in my whole life to be the speaker for so many nativeAmericans! I had no idea whether my report wou ...
1683 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 汪波 2015-3-12 05:12
March 8 It is Sunday today. Istayed at home spending most of the time revising the manuscript for Richard.At noon I went out to the 10-acre lawn on the landlord's property and ran about20 minutes for exercise. The air is fresh, the sunshine is bright, the sky ispure blue a March 7 It ...
1580 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
diary for MARCH 7
汪波 2015-3-12 05:11
March 7 It is Saturday today.I woke up about 9 in the morning and went out to breathe the fresh air outsidethe house. Then after breakfast, I started to proofread the manuscript of WangYamin, who also stayed in Professor Fu's Lab and graduated with a doctorate annwho now works in Capital N ...
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diary for March 6
热度 2 汪波 2015-3-8 17:57
I sent a short message to Fred asking if he coulddrive me to the campus. Unfortunately he told me that he would not be home until the next Monday. So I searched online, found the phone number of a taxi company, and called them to inquire whether it would be possible for them to take me for a ride ...
1835 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2

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