
Non-Abelian statistics in condensed matter physics
热度 2 文小刚 2015-8-9 05:56
The possibility of non-abelian statistics Statistics of the particles is related to the representation of braid group (1925). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braid_group . The 1-dimensional representations correspond to abelian (fractional) statistics (1977). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Any ...
个人分类: 科普|12505 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
The second quantum revolution 第二次量子革命
热度 24 文小刚 2014-10-8 08:53
Physics, in particular, condensed matter physics, is a very old field. Many people are thinking that the exciting time of physics has passed. We enter the begining of the end of physics. The only important things in physics are its engineering applications, such as optical fiber and blue LED. Howe ...
个人分类: 科普|25153 次阅读|46 个评论 热度 24
A new discovery: 1D topological order beyond FQH states
热度 9 文小刚 2014-10-4 20:46
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/majorana-particle-matter-and-antimatter/ This is an exciting discovery. However, I must point out that the new discovery here is not a new “Majorana particle”, but the two-fold topological ground state degeneracy (see http://en.wikip ...
个人分类: 科普|12531 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 9
物理中的近代数学 Modern mathematics in physics
热度 7 文小刚 2014-3-31 13:28
It happens several times in the history of physics that a truly new phenomenon requires a new mathematics to describe it. In fact, the appearance of new mathematics is a sign of truly new discovery. For example, Newton's theory of mechanics requires calculus (which was invented for that purp ...
个人分类: 科普|13844 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 7
黑洞根本不存在? Black hole does not exist?
热度 12 文小刚 2014-1-30 01:39
Recently, there is a lot of news (see http://www.weibo.com/2803301701/AtOdsz2ON ) about black hole does not exist , due to Hawking's recent paper ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.5761 ) . The credibility of Science is on the line: Stephen Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows D ...
个人分类: 科普|9242 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 12
物理学家谈吃 (Physicists talking about food)
热度 10 文小刚 2014-1-23 15:59
中国人以食为天, 见面就谈吃。连中国物理学家也不例外。(以下从微薄对话整理. Google translation below.) 兔斯基 : 二傻师傅说过:【宇宙本来就是一锅粥】! 怎么,你要把这锅粥变成一锅面条? 有啊 : 粥里的波满足欧拉方程。面条汤里的波满足麦克斯维方程。 我们真空里的波(光波)满足麦克斯维方程。所以 ...
个人分类: 科普|10852 次阅读|23 个评论 热度 10
信息与物质的统一 a unification of information and matter
热度 21 文小刚 2013-10-25 20:31
《黑客帝国》Matrix 里有两个世界:真实的物质世界,虚拟的信息世界(在计算机里)。真实的物质世界是由基本粒子组成的。 虚拟的信息世界是由bits组成的。(我个人观点)其实真实的物质世界不太真实,虚拟的信息世界更真实。物质世界和信息世界根本就是一个世界。更确切的说,我们的世界是一个量子信息世界。空间=含 ...
个人分类: 科普|27323 次阅读|52 个评论 热度 21

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