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[笔记] 旋回:米兰科维奇 Milankovitch、丹斯果-奥什格尔 Dansgaard-Oeschger、厄尔尼诺

已有 2868 次阅读 2023-7-16 17:49 |个人分类:人类的宇宙环境|系统分类:科研笔记

[笔记] 旋回:米兰科维奇 Milankovitch、丹斯果-奥什格尔 Dansgaard-Oeschger、厄尔尼诺 El Niño


术语 terminology

地学: geoscience

旋回: cycle

米兰科维奇理论: Milankovitch theory

丹斯果-奥什格尔事件: Dansgaard-Oeschger events

亨里奇事件: Heinrich event

厄尔尼诺: El Niño

厄尔尼诺-南方涛动: ENSO, El Niño-Southern Oscillation

大西洋经向翻转环流: AMOC, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation












   一些非线性动力系统研究表明:行星轨道似乎是“混沌 chaos”的。换言之,行星轨道的变化里有各种各样的周期性。











   米兰科维奇旋回、哈因里奇事件、丹斯果-奥什格尔旋回、Bond旋回、新仙女木事件,以及厄尔尼诺 El Niño,或多或少都有地球轨道与自转变化的驱动。




SCIENCE 2001 Figure 4 Paleo-ENSO variability from fossil corals.jpeg

图1  引用自:Figure 4  Paleo-ENSO variability from fossil corals.  珊瑚化石中的古“厄尔尼诺-南方涛动”变化。 (A) (Left) Seasonal resolution (thin lines) and 2.25-year binomial-filtered (thick lines) skeletal δ18O records from all fossil corals used in this study, with the record from modern coral DT91-7 shown for comparison. (Right) 2.5- to 7-year (ENSO) bandpass-filtered coral δ18O time series. (B) Standard deviation of the 2.5- to 7-year (ENSO) bandpass-filtered time series of all modern and fossil corals discussed in this study. Asterisk indicates that the time series is <30 years long. The horizontal dashed lines indicate maximum and minimum values of standard deviation for sliding 30-year increments in the modern coral records. Black bars, modern corals; gray bars, fossil corals.



Alexander W. Tudhope, Colin P. Chilcott, Malcolm T. Mcculloch, Edward R. Cook, John Chappell, Robert M. Ellam, David W. Lea, Janice M. Lough, Graham B. Shimmield. Variability in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Through a Glacial-Interglacial Cycle [J]. SCIENCE, 25 Jan 2001, Vol 291, Issue 5508, pp. 1511-1517

DOI:  10.1126/science.1057969


NATURE 2017 Figure 1 Obliquity and short eccentricity band power for La2004,La20.jpg

图2  引用自:Figure 1: Obliquity and short eccentricity band power for La2004, La2010d and the Libsack FMI record.  La2004、La2010d和Libsack FMI记录的倾斜和短偏心带功率。

a, Timescale and biostratigraphy (S.m. = Scaphites mariasensis, S.p. = Scaphites preventricosus, S.v. = Scaphites ventricosus, S.d. = Scaphites depressus, C.s. = Clioscaphites saxitonianus, C.v. = Clioscaphites vermiformis, C.c. = Clioscaphites choteauensis, D.e. = Desmoscaphites erdmanni, D.b. = Desmoscaphites bassleri, S.l. = Scaphites leei III, S.h. I = Scaphites hippocrepis I, S.h. II = Scaphites hippocrepis II) and the radioisotopically dated horizons for the Libsack core5,10. In total, five radioisotopic ages are used from the following biozones: D. bassleri, D. erdmanni, C. vermiformis, S. depressus, and S. preventricosus. S. preventricosus is selected as the nominal anchor in this study (see Methods). Each ash bed (except the anchor) is associated with two ages: the top number is the age calculated based on astrochronology (anchored to S. preventricosus), while the bottom number is the radioisotopic age for the bentonite layer, with its 2σ total uncertainty in parentheses (column X3 in Table 1). b, f, The astronomically tuned and anchored FMI data (in units of ohm metre) from the Libsack core. c–e, The obliquity band power extracted from the Libsack core, La2004 and La2010d. g–i, The short eccentricity band power extracted from the Libsack core, La2004 and La2010d. The approximately 1.2-Myr and 2.4-Myr cycles are labelled with dashed arcs. Tur., Turonian age.



Chao Ma, Stephen R. Meyers, Bradley B. Sageman. Theory of chaotic orbital variations confirmed by Cretaceous geological evidence [J]. Nature volume 542, pages 468–470 (2017)

doi:  10.1038/nature21402


NATURE Reviews EE 2020 Fig. 1 Proxy records showing D–O variability across Mar.jpg

图3  引用自:Fig. 1: Proxy records showing D–O variability across Marine Isotope Stage 3.  显示海洋同位素第3阶段“丹斯果-奥什格尔事件”变化的代理记录。

a | 231Pa/230Th from the Bermuda Rise10b | North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) on the Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05)229, with the interstadials numbered. c | Atmospheric methane (CH4) concentration from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core159d | Sea-surface temperature (SST) estimate based on the alkenone unsaturation index (Uk37U37�′) from sediment core MD01-2443 retrieved from the Iberian margin26e | Total reflectance (L*) of sediment from the Cariaco Basin45f | δ18O record from Hulu Cave, China43g | WAIS δ18O record97h | Atmospheric CO2 concentration from Siple46 and Talos230 Domes. Blue shading indicates Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) stadials and purple shading indicates Heinrich (H) stadials 5 through to 3. These proxy records show that each stadial is associated with weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) (panel a), cooling over Greenland (panel b) and the North Atlantic (panel d), low atmospheric CH4 content (panel c), dry conditions in the northern tropics (panel e) and a weaker East Asian monsoon (panel f), indicating a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. D–O stadials are associated with a small δ18O increase over Antarctica (panel g). Heinrich stadials are associated with an increase in CO2 (panel h) and a more pronounced δ18O increase over Antarctica, indicating much warmer conditions. Data for panel a from ref.10. Data for panel b from ref.229. Data for panel c from ref.159. Data for panel d from ref.26. Data for panel e from ref.45. Data for panel f from ref.43. Data for panel g from ref.97. Data for panel h from refs46,230.



Laurie C. Menviel, Luke C. Skinner, Lev Tarasov, Polychronis C. Tzedakis. An ice–climate oscillatory framework for Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles [J]. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment volume 1, pages 677–693 (2020)

doi:  10.1038/s43017-020-00106-y



   《Zhang, X., Barker, S., Knorr, G. et al. Direct astronomical influence on abrupt climate variability. Nat. Geosci. 14, 819–826 (2021). 对气候突变的直接天文影响

doi:  10.1038/s41561-021-00846-6



Fig. 3  Triggering dynamics of orbitally induced AMOC changes..jpg

图4  引用自:Fig. 3: Triggering dynamics of orbitally induced AMOC changes.  轨道诱导的“大西洋经向翻转环流”变化的触发动力学。

a,b, Imposed precession changes (a) and simulated AMOC index (b) in experiment E40ka_34kaEP (only changing the eccentricity-modulated precession in E40ka_CTL). d,e, Applied obliquity changes (d) and simulated AMOC index (e) in experiment E40ka_34kaObl (only changing the obliquity in E40ka_CTL). c,f, Anomalies between the mean climatology before the onset of abrupt AMOC reduction in E40ka_34kaEP (c) and E40ka_34kaObl (d) and the mean climatology of control run E40ka_CTL, representing the climate tendency after changes in precession and obliquity, respectively. The climatology in E40ka_34kaEP and E40ka_34kaObl is represented by 40- and 100-year averages of the period indicated by the red and blue bold line in b and e, respectively. Grey/black lines in b and e represent original/30-year running mean AMOC indices. Shading in c shows total net freshwater flux (units, mm per day), vectors (arrows) show the vertical integrated moisture transport (units, kg m−1 s−1) and contours (and attached values) show sea-level pressure (units, Pa). The shading in f shows sea-ice concentration (units, %) and contours (and attached values) show the vertical mixed layer depth (units, m).










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[1] 2023-06-02,气候周期/climatic cycle/郝志新,中国大百科全书,第三版网络版[DB/OL]


   气候要素的变化周期有年、年代、百年、千年甚至万年尺度,不同尺度主要由不同物理机制所决定。如地球轨道参数的周期变化可以解释第四纪冰期旋回,而全球陆地平均降水的变化则与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Niño-Southern Oscillation; ENSO)的2~7年周期有关。

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