
Physica A 633 (2024) 129401
曾春华 2024-4-19 23:58
Early warning for spatial ecological system: Fractal dimension and deep learning Junhao Bian ,Zhiqin Ma ,Chunping Wang ,Tao Huang ,Chunhua Zeng Ecological dynamic systems often undergo catastrophic regime shifts and have tipping points. Due to the complex interactions and feedbacks among differ ...
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J. Appl. Phys. 135, 145106 (2024)
曾春华 2024-4-19 23:55
Unified deep learning network for enhanced accuracy in predicting thermal conductivity of bilayer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and their heterostructures Rongkun Chen,Yu Tian,Jiayi Cao,Weina Ren,Shiqian Hu, and Chunhua Zeng ABSTRACT In this research, we utilized density functional the ...
808 次阅读|没有评论
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109,165413 (2024)
曾春华 2024-4-19 23:52
Modulating phonon transport in bilayer black phosphorus: Unraveling the interplay of strain and interlayer quasicovalent bonds Rongkun Chen, Shiqian Hu, Weina Ren, and Chunhua Zeng Efficient thermal management in nanoscale electronic devices presents a pressing challenge. The two-dimension ...
760 次阅读|没有评论
2023年发表Physica A文章介绍
曾春华 2024-1-1 09:42
Early warning for spatial ecological system: Fractal dimension and deep learning Author links open overlay panel Junhao Bian a 1 , Zhiqin Ma a 1 , Chunping Wang b , Tao Huang a ,&n ...
1176 次阅读|没有评论
2024年发表Physical Review Research 文章介绍
曾春华 2024-1-1 09:35
Relaxation time as early warning signal of avalanches in self-organizing systems Zhiqin Ma , 1 Chunhua Zeng, 1 , * and Wu-Ming Liu 2 , 3 , 4 , † 1 Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 2 Beijing National Laborator ...
1076 次阅读|没有评论
2023年发表Chaos 33, 093140 (2023)文章介绍
曾春华 2024-1-1 09:32
Roughness induced current reversal in fractionalhydrodynamic memory Yuanyuan Jiao, 1 Chunhua Zeng, 1 , a ) and Yuhui Luo 2 , b ) ABSTRACT The existence of a corrugated surface is of great importance and ubiquity in biological systems, exhibiting diverse dynamic behaviors.Ho ...
951 次阅读|没有评论
2023年发表Physical Review Research 文章介绍
曾春华 2024-1-1 09:31
Controlling heat ratchet and flow reversal with simple networks Shuan Wang , 1 Chunhua Zeng, 1 , * Guimei Zhu, 2 , † Hua Wang, 3 , ‡ and Baowen Li 4 1 Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 2 School of Microel ...
1164 次阅读|没有评论
2023年发表New J. Phys.
曾春华 2024-1-1 09:28
Effect of anisotropic interactions on the heat conductionof one-dimensional chains Lei Wan 1 , Huang Tao 1 , ∗  , Yafang Tian 1 , ∗ , Chunhua Zeng 1 , ∗ and Baowen Li 2 , 3 1 Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming ...
813 次阅读|没有评论
2023年发表Phys. Rev. E
曾春华 2023-2-11 10:01
Emergence of macroscopic directional motion of deformable active cells in confined structures Bao-quan Ai , 1 , 2 , * Jian Ma, 1 Chun-hua Zeng, 3 , † and Ya-feng He 4 , ‡ 1 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Engineering and ...
1497 次阅读|没有评论
2022年发表Phys. Rev. E
曾春华 2022-9-21 23:03
Anomalous transport tuned through stochastic resetting in the rugged energy landscape of a chaotic system with roughness Yuhui Luo , 1 , 2 Chunhua Zeng, 1 , * Tao Huang, 1 and Bao-Quan Ai3 1 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics / Faculty of Science ...
1340 次阅读|没有评论

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