
历经十载google scholar引用破千
热度 1 郭宁 2021-4-8 10:29
对于科技工作者来说论文好比“存款”,被引次数算是“利息”,这些都属于科技工作者的个人财产,固定资产。倘如无造假撤稿,会只进不出,活脱脱的貔貅。2011年发表第一篇SCI至今被引用破千,整十年。再看卢院士谷歌引用逼近五万,十足的巨富 ,顿感贫富差距巨大。 随着年龄增 ...
2578 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 2 郭宁 2018-2-4 22:36
博文内容不见了?只能辛苦再补一下了。 Highlights •Gradient BCT structured martensite (α′-M) particles can be introduced into commercial 304 SS by free-end-torsion. •Cyclic forward/reverse torsion (CFRT) is more effective in enhancing the gradient distribution of α′-M compar ...
4121 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
材料的素化 vs 高熵化
郭宁 2017-7-5 23:26
高熵合金扶摇直上的年代,突然来了个素化材料。乍一看,相对于高熵合金,素化材料是反其道而行之,似乎怼上了。再一想,提高缺陷密度进行调控,至少点缺陷,也是一种高熵化。素化 vs 高熵化,是怼上了,还是有待统一。有意思
5653 次阅读|没有评论
郭宁 2016-9-5 13:59
2013年发表的一篇论文近日被《Progress in Materials Science》上的题为“Cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires (Christine Borchersa, Reiner Kirchheima, Progress in Materials Science,Volume 82, September 2016, Pages 405–444)一文引用。本来自认为这篇文章创新不足,只是表征工作比较系统而已,却被 PROG MAT ...
3701 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 郭宁 2016-2-16 16:27
除夕夜收到的email: Dear Guo Ning, I enjoyed reading your article entitled “Enhancing tensile strength of Cu by introducing gradient microstructures via a simple torsion deformation” published in Materials and Design. Indeed it is an elegant study; introducing structural gradients over ...
3394 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 3
郭宁 2015-11-23 17:01
Strengthening and toughening of extruded magnesium alloy rods by combining pre-torsion deformation with subsequent annealingAbstract In this study, it is found that microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded magnesium alloy rods can be tailored by the combined use of pre-torsion and anneal ...
2286 次阅读|没有评论
郭宁 2015-11-18 13:54
Abstract The influences of pre-torsion deformation on microstructure and tensile strength of commercial as-extruded Cu rods with cylindrical shape have been investigated in this study by twisting the rods to different numbers of revolutions. The results indicated that the pre-torsion can sig ...
2772 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 郭宁 2015-7-1 10:38
扭转,常用于检测金属的塑性;拉伸/压缩,常用于检测金属的强度。一般材料科学家,搞扭转的就扭转。 近年来我们研究了扭转后材料的拉伸、压缩等力学性能怎么变化。初步发现:对于双相材料而言,扭转变形显著降低材料的后续拉伸强度,Guo, N., et al. (2013). Influence of pre-torsion deformation on microstructures ...
3609 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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