
Learning NetLogo: Note 01
党晓栋 2012-11-29 23:22
Requirements: 1)the number of individuals in a population is set to be fixed at N across generations; 2) the number of carriers of the i -th genotype is set to be a variable N i ; 3)N i may change over generations depending on the fitness of the the i -th genotype while N remains fixed. Ways of ...
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Disputation on evol-cancer research 02
党晓栋 2012-11-19 23:58
A common issue that many evol-cancer researchers are focusing on is the effect of micro-environment on cells when talking about competition among somatic cells and their strategies, but I don't think it's the most essential one to be emphasized. An intuitive argument is, if a bunch/lineage of soma ...
4824 次阅读|没有评论
My current knowledge/ideas in evolutionary cancer research
党晓栋 2012-10-20 17:28
It just sounds natural that a bunch of somatic cells in a multi-cellular body can be viewed as a population while evolutionary/ecological theories can be used to look into the population dynamics of these cells, and it sounds tempting that theoretical works my find their application in cance ...
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Before making use of evolutionary theories
党晓栋 2012-10-11 11:21
When making preparation for an interview, I asked a few questions to myself. I couldn't answer them very well, but just tried to give some comments. 1. The first question is what 'evolutionary theories' really mean. I could only answer this question based on what I have learned. Certainly my favori ...
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备份 Boolean dynamics of networks with scale-free topology
党晓栋 2012-5-24 18:26
7个月之前的博文。另有 中文的详细版,发于本站 。 从ResearchGate 搬过来备份的就这5篇了。另外还有几篇次要的,都没有什么保留价值,就算了,仅当曾经练过笔。 Notes on Aldana's 'Boolean dynamics of networks with scale-free topology' After having learned about Kauffman's attractors and then the va ...
4722 次阅读|没有评论
备份 miRNA读书笔记(2)
热度 1 党晓栋 2012-5-24 18:15
大约一年前所作的 miRNA 读书笔记( 2 ) Notes on miRNAs 2 Time does not allow me to write too much on the topic at this moment, but I would like to record what I am thinking about. 1. It would be imprudent to say anything before we understand how different miRNAs a ...
4615 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
备份 A conception of cancer from a stem-cell viewpoint
党晓栋 2012-5-24 17:55
一年零四个月之前的博文。这篇更坑爹。主要的精华就是我做的图片,结果被弄丢了。我竟然找不到自己保存的备份…… 只能哭。 A conception of cancer from a stem-cell viewpoint More and more tips of the iceberg are emerging from some recent reports. But they are nothing su ...
4361 次阅读|没有评论
备份 细胞分化与细胞增殖之间是否是相互协调的?
党晓栋 2012-5-24 17:53
这是大概一年零两个月之前的某篇。网站上只精确到这个时间。里面的图片也不见了。我自己电脑上可能还有图片备份,抽空再加上。 Inherent coupling between cell differentiation and cycle arrest? Just finished reading a paper by Gibbs, Liebermann and Hoffman in 2007, "Termi ...
4554 次阅读|没有评论
备份 p32 p53 癌 Warburg effect 癌组织研究中的非线性思维
党晓栋 2012-5-24 17:48
坑爹的ResearchGate,把博客功能删了。趁着还能看到原来的博文,赶紧转过来做个备份。下面这一篇大概是两年前写的。具体时间也找不到了。还在愤怒中…… 本文起了个故弄玄虚的标题,却没多少吸引眼球的作用。主要就是讲两个蛋白质,p32 和 p53, 它们在癌细胞中的过量表达,对于氧化呼吸的恢复有相似的作用,但最终造成的 ...
5482 次阅读|没有评论
A game between an individual and a population: rationale
热度 1 党晓栋 2012-2-15 19:30
这是本系列的第二篇 (首发于本人 英文博客 ),对上一篇提出的想法作了更细致一点的介绍,并引出后面的话题。下一篇才是最重要的,先在此预告一下~ 2012年4月23日追记:昆明动物所王瑞武老师基于榕小蜂的一系列研究,已经包含了这个思路。参见这两篇论文Wang et al. 2009 ( doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007802 ), ...
个人分类: thoughts|4742 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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